Time for me to come clean...

Mike Johnson exabyte!smtplink!mikej at uunet.UU.NET
Mon Oct 18 14:47:25 PDT 1993

>My experiment has gone far enough.

>One of you has claimed that the Net entity "tcmay" (Timothy C. May,
>putatively) is actually "jamie" (Jamie Dinkelacker, putatively). This
>person has at other times claimed that perhaps Eric Hughes and Jamie
>are the same person, and that the Net entity "tcmay" is the "lackey of Eric

>It is all getting so confusing! 

>Allow me to clarify.

>I entered this list under a variety of pseudonyms, with the intent of
>compiling information on all of you. I have been posting under the
>identities of Tim May (who has actually never existed....the man
>behind the mask on the cover of "Wired" was a hired actor, as were the
>stand-ins for the personnas of Eric Hughes and John Gilmore), Sandy
>Sandfort, Jamie Dinkelacker, and many others.

>I disavow any connection to the paranoid "S. Boxx," however.

>In fact, I think there are only five actual biological entities on
>the list. Makes for some good conspiracy theories for the paranoids.

>Finally, I also write under the nym de guerre of "Dorothy Denning."
>The real Dorothy Denning is too busy grading papers for her freshman
>crypto class to post, so I fill in.

>My real name should be apparent to you all. I knew if I used it, the
>other four of you would not take me seriously. But now the secret's

>David Sternlight         When the mouse laughs at the cat,
>                         there is a hole nearby.--Nigerian Proverb
Oh, my!  I'm so confused!  I think I may have to sue myself for libel for 
connecting such two vastly different personas of myself with each other!

                       --Tim May (AKA George Bush, David Sternlight, etc.)

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