Detecting double-spending (long)

nobody at nobody at
Fri Oct 15 19:30:13 PDT 1993

(Actually, it _is_ from the person in the "from" address above.  The
Portal system, from which I usually post, seems to have lost the ability
to send mail to

Wonderer asks:
> So, this method relies on trusting the bank? After all,
> Alice must include her identity in the messages, so that
> double spending can be detected later. When the bank 
> verifies that it says 'Alice' and not 'Bozo', then it
> could keep track of her coins.

This method does not depend on trusting the bank not to reveal Alice's
identity.  That's why this is called "cash".  As long as she does not
double-spend, her identity is kept secret.

I'm not sure whether you are asking about the part of the protocol
where Alice withdraws her cash from the bank, or the later part where she
spends the money and the merchant sends it to the bank.  When she
withdraws the money, she blinds the f(xi,yi) candidates by multiplying
them by ri.  For half of those, she has to reveal the ri, but that half
IS NOT USED in the rest of the protocol.  The ones which are used are
blinded and so the bank never sees her <info> in those.

When she spends the money and reveals the values to the merchant,
Alice only includes her <info> in the form (ai xor <info>), where
ai is a random value that nobody knows unless she double-spends.  The
ai "blinds" the <info> so that (ai xor <info>) does not reveal <info>.
Only if she double-spends is both ai and (ai xor <info>) revealed for
some i, and only then is her <info> exposed.

hfinney at

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