Cypherpunk Cause

Michael Sattler msattler at
Sat Oct 9 20:59:34 PDT 1993

At 17:05 93/10/09 -0400, A1 ray arachelian (library) wrote:

>But hey, if there was, it would be easy to remove those who want abortion
>to be illegal, or strong crypto, etc.

Your presentation is interesting, but I believe your conclusion is based
upon a majority sharing your beliefs.  You are in good company.  The
architect of our country, Thomas Jefferson, based his plans on an informed
and educated citizenry.  What we have, however, is a poorly-educated,
easily-swayed populace that considers TV Guide a magazine, makes Married
With Children a hit, and only voted Ronald Raygun / George Bush out of
office only because they saw all their jobs dissapearing (and not even then
understanding it's because of unrestrained spending).

Michael S. Sattler         msattler at        +1 (415) 358-3058
Digital Jungle Software    Encrypt now; ask me how.   (finger for PGP key)

               All that is required for evil to triumph is
                for {wo}men of good will to do nothing.

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