Perry E. Metzger pmetzger at
Sat Oct 2 13:24:23 PDT 1993

Marc Horowitz says:
> >> Anyway, the ECPA is basically irrelevant in the BBS world, as ....
> I'm truly amazed.  Mike Godwin, who is a lawyer who *specializes* in
> this sort of thing, has rebuffed this statement several times, and
> given his phone number for interested BBS sysops to call him.   And
> yet, people continue to spew disbelief.
> Of course, without real case law, Mike's opinion is still just that,
> but when some BBS sysop gets nailed by the ECPA, I'm gonna laugh.

I have half a mind to get a FIDO account, try to send a message the
sysop doesn't understand so he'll stop it, and then call the U.S.
Attorney's office.

Actually, I wouldn't ever do that -- my libertarian ethics stop me,
since there is no real contract to get private mail between me and the
operator, never mind how stupid what is is doing is. However, the law
is the law. Disagreeing with it or consciously deciding to violate it
is one thing, but smug amateur lawyering in which you pretend that it
isn't supposed to apply to you is another.


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