Chaos Communications Congress 1993 (fwd)

Anonymous nowhere at
Tue Nov 30 10:31:30 PST 1993

From: bkr at (Bjoern Kriews)
Subject: Chaos Communication Congress 1993
Date: 26 Nov 1993 08:10:08 +0100
Organization: Digital Island
Message-ID: <bkr.754297770 at drdhh>

[Sorry for crossposting this to so many groups - 
last year I received complaints that people didn't
find the announcement]

"Ten years after Orwell"

10th Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Germany

The Chaos Computer Club invites the global community to
participate in the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg
and celebrates the tenth anniversary of this convention.

This hackers' meeting, taking place annually at the
end of December, has become a traditional event which is
characterized by a colorful mixture of absolute chaos,
serious discussion and detailed presentation. 

Computer enthusiasts, scientists from well-known institutions,
lawyers, politicians, artists and, of course, hackers as well
as data-travellers and Internauts from many countries are going
to meet at the 'Eidelstedter Buergerhaus' on December 27th-29th
for an interdisciplinary exchange of data and other experience.

Not only concentrating on technical topics, political and social
issues will be focal points of discussion this year.
After ten years of creative future concepts the time has come
to look for achieved goals and new visions for the future.

This year's list of topics:

The so-called "great peep attack" (a proposed law reform allowing
state authorities to listen in, even in private rooms, in order to
fight organized crime) affects every german citizen and is considered
one of the most important issues of the year.
- What is technically possible?
- What is planned and/or wanted politically?
- How do the right of privacy and ban of encryption software fit together?
Well-informed speakers talk about state-of-the-art technology and legal
limits. Public discussion forums invite you to form your own opinion.

Money always serves for interesting talk:
- How can we improve Electronic Cash?
- How to print your own money
- How to wash it if it's dirty
- How to open electronic cash machines without damaging them
It's up to you to add to this list...

Hardly noticed by the public, the female part of the hacker scene
is growing. Female hackers' activities have become a regular part
of the congress, the workshop on feminine computer handling is
one of the key events. For the first time, there will be a 
Women Only room with lots of equipment to try out, opportunity 
to ask and learn as well as to discuss and create.

Other highlights:
Discussions and workshops on
- citizen networks and electronic democracy
- ISDN, MODACOM (german mobile radio data network) and Beepers
- Bluebox versus Telekom
- Electronic Warfare
- Chip- and other cards
- inventory differences
- underground radio stations
- Computer recycling
- lockpicking
- MIME and *ostscript viruses 
- copyright law and the GNU generation.

Furthermore: the Hackcenter, the Chaos Cafe, the Chaos Archive,
the movie theatre (among others: educational propaganda films
by the former East German Ministry of State Security), a Zerberus BBS,
the Internet-FreePort and lots of other things we forgot to mention.
Feel free to contribute more interesting topics, workshops or

Anyway, the hottest news for computer enthusiasts and hackers
will be those you won't find in the press.
What:    10th Chaos Communication Congress
When:    December 27th - 29th 1993
Cost:    DM 42,- Three-day-ticket
Where:   Eidelstedter Buergerhaus
         Alte Elbgaustr. 12
         D-22523 Hamburg

Contact: Chaos Computer Club
         Schwenckestr. 85
         D-20255 Hamburg
Phone:   +49-40-4903757
Fax:     +49-40-4917689
E-Mail:  ccc93 at
Press contact:
Phone:   +49-161-2447146 (european afternoon, please)

For reservations in an inexpensive hotel (approx. DM 30,-/night),
mail to: sleep at

#!/bin/thanks to P. Kane for the word 'InterNaut'.

bkr at  -  Bjoern Kriews - Stormsweg 6 - D-22085 Hamburg [76] - FRG
By definition, a properly functioning kernel doesn't allow user programs to 
make it crash unless they say "please". (Richard Stallman)

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