Stego 1.0a2 and where to get it

Romana Machado romana at
Mon Nov 29 16:37:15 PST 1993

Announcing Stego 1.0a2
The First Steganography Tool For The Macintosh
by Romana Machado of Paradigm Shift Research

What is steganography?

Steganography is a method by which a message can be 
disguised by making it appear to be something else. It derives 
from two Greek roots. "Stego-" means "roof", or   "cover". 
It is the same root used in "stegosaur", called a "roof lizard"
 because of the large bony plates that decorate its back.
"-graphy" means writing. 
"Steganography" means covert writing.

What is Stego?

Stego is a tool that enables you to embed data in, and retrieve 
data from, Macintosh PICT format files, without changing the 
appearance or size of the PICT file.  Though its effect is visually 
undetectable, do not expect cryptographic security from Stego.  
Be aware that anyone with a copy of Stego can retrieve your 
data from your PICT file.  Stego  can  be used as an "envelope" 
to hide a _previously encrypted_ data file in a PICT file, 
making it much less likely to be detected.

Stego is  available _now_ via anonymous ftp from, in the /pub/crypt directory.
If for some reason you can't find
it in this location, mail me $15.00 
and your physical or email address.
I will send it to you.

Don't Forget!
Stego is shareware. You can help to support further 
development by sending $15.00 or any stegosaur to:

Romana Machado
19672 Stevens Creek Blvd. Box 127
Cupertino, CA 95014

Bugs? Questions?
EMail: romana at

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