Secret sharing program available

Ray rjc at
Sat Nov 27 05:39:08 PST 1993

[Note: I'm not subscribed so if you reply, remember to Cc: me]

   A few hours ago I was bored so I started experimenting with Shamir
"threshold" sharing in G++. The result: Cryptosplit.  It's a hacked up
but working implementation of polynomial interpolation over an integer
field of prime order. Basically, you can take an arbitrary integer, D,
generate m keys, k of which are required to reconstruct the original
integer.  Its inner workings are very simple. Pick a random polynomial
P(x) of degree (k-1) over Z_p with constant term D, and generate m 2-tuples 
(x, P(x)). These "keys" are output in the form x*p+y which can be reversed by
the division algorithm. 
   The interpolation process generates a k X k matrix of linear equations
by plugging (x,y) into y=a_n*x_n + ... + a_1*x + 1*D and then solving
by Gaussian elimination (upper triangular matrix. element k,k is the constant
term D)

   Right now it's not very usable since you have to choose your own 
prime modulus > D (I was too lazy to write a prime generation routine.
I just choose Mersenne primes of sufficient size) and because
it only accepts base-ten input from the command line. It needs to be
optimized a lot too.

   If anyone wants the source (especially if they want to fix it up),
let me know.


-- Ray Cromwell          |   Engineering is the implementation of science; --
-- rjc at    |       politics is the implementation of faith.  --

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