(fwd) Clipper and Tipper on Route 666

Clark Reynard clark at metal.psu.edu
Tue Nov 9 08:28:39 PST 1993

I must say I had never considered the possibility that
the Data Superhighway itself might be a scam; but it's
an interesting possibility.  

With all the hideous legislative work they cribbed from
the Bush clan, a former CIA chief; how surprised would
you be to find that the Data Superhighway AND Clipper
Chip proposals were intended to be enacted almost simultaneously;
to rein in the Internet.

Perhaps the spooks have, as we all know, been buying
CD-ROMS and grepping 'em.  It could be a conspiracy
to establish complete government surveillance of
all computer equipment.

I may simply be being paranoid, here, but in political
situations which smack of unlikely coincidence; one
must occasionally ask the rhetorical question _Cui bono_?

In this case, a number of people stand to benefit;
and, oddly, the people seem to be predominantly in
the government.

I'm not entirely serious about this theory, and
I do present it semi-satirically, as a perspicacious
few may have noted; but perhaps the topic shall
stir up a bit of debate.

"Route 666."  I like that.  How does one get
hold of Pat Robertson's people?  And get him
to think we're good Christian boys, so they'll
do it?  I think Pat's _already_ pissed about
this Clipper thing, and he'd be happy to talk
about evil liberal perfidy in the White House.

Anyone have their FAX numbers and addresses?
Robert W. F. Clark                        PGP Key Available Upon Request
rclark at nyx.cs.du.edu
clark at metal.psu.edu

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