WER #79

Mr. Noise mrnoise at econs.umass.edu
Thu May 20 11:23:12 PDT 1993

Having received my copy of the latest Whole Earth Review yesterday, I
expected to see a pile of messages about the article by Kevin Kelly on
"Cypherpunks, E-Money, & Technologies of Disconnection"...but maybe,
like me, you've all been too busy to read the article all the way through.
Anyway, I thought those of you who don't subscribe would appreciate a 
mention of the article so you could run right out & buy the mag.  There's
also some good sci-fi stuff (they give it some kind of fancy name, you
know WER...) by Kelly & Brian Eno.  & the cover is by R. Crumb!

Well, anyway, it seems Mr. Kelly has spent some time talking to list
member (guru?) Tim May, Phil Zimmerman, & a bunch of other cypherpunk
folk, so how about some reactions to the article from those he talked to?

...& is it me, or is the WER/WELL/cypherpunks/Wired/EFF/etc. crowd starting
to get just a *little* inbred?  (In a nice way, of course...)  I feel as
though Kelly, Sterling, Brand, Levy, et al. are my best buddies & I don't
think we've ever exchanged e-mail (well, once or twice maybe), they just
keep popping up everywhere I turn.  Heck, I may even have to write R.U.Sirius
into my will, he feels like such an old pal...

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