ANNOUNCE: Boston-area cypherpunks meeting?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 5 13:35:29 PST 1993

I was speaking to some people here about that not that long ago.  I'm
not sure how many of the Boston Cypherpunks there are out there.  Eric
-- do you have a place in mind to meet?  If not, I could probably
arrange a room on campus.  How many people would be interested in
this?  (Send mail to me instead of the cypherpunks list, to cut down
on the traffic.)

Also, when would be a good date to hold it?


PGP 2 key available upon request on the key-server:
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  Derek Atkins, MIT '93, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
     Secretary, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
           MIT Media Laboratory, Speech Research Group
           warlord at MIT.EDU       PP-ASEL        N1NWH

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