OTP dual decryption

Sameer zane at genesis.mcs.com
Sun Jun 20 16:20:43 PDT 1993

In message <93Jun18.024542pdt.13995-1 at well.sf.ca.us>, "George A. Gleason" writes:
> Yeah, the advantage is, if they think they've found it, they might just
> stop looking much further.  It's a chance that might save your ass.
> -gg
	Wouldn't it be possible to encrypt the plaintext with DES and
then when some TLA tells you to hand over they key tell them that it's
an OTP and give them an OTP which produces an innocuous plaintext?
	Then you don't have to worry about key storage, right? (Because
DES-keys are hashed from strings [right?] which can be kept in human

| Sameer Parekh-zane at genesis.MCS.COM-PFA related mail to pfa at genesis.MCS.COM |
| Apprentice Philosopher, Writer, Physicist, Healer, Programmer, Lover, more |
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