A note from one of the jackbooted facists...

J. Eric Townsend jet at nas.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 11 16:16:56 PDT 1993

This is not an official NASA document.


If you saw what I do for a living sometime, you'd probably consider me
a jackbooted facist of the highest order.

I implement logging systems, help build firewalls, implement security
software and teach people how to build secure systems.  Luckily, this
isn't my job at NASA -- I'm not a *government* facist brown-shirt.

> Another annoying tracking log is the syslog daemon.

Annoying if you want to be secure.

If you're going to send messages through one of 'my' systems, I'm
going to track and log them.  Period.  Don't like it? Route through
something else.

This list is being run from a UC-system owned computer.  It's not in
somebody's closet hooked to a phone line.  If UC wants to log email,
that's just fine.

 >         syslog.conf changes are needed to eliminate this misfeature...

A misfeature that helps me keep people from using 'my' machines unless I
let them.

 >          forum is about for each of us to educate the rest of the list
 >          so that privacy issues get FULL spectrum coverage.

I thought this list was here to discuss cryptography, not system
security or firewalls. :-)

If you don't control the system, consider it insecure and all of your
informational transfer monitored, logged, and analyzed.

J. Eric Townsend jet at nas.nasa.gov 415.604.4311| personal email goes to: 
CM-5 Administrator, Parallel Systems Support  |   jet at well.sf.ca.us
NASA Ames Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation    |---------------------------
PGP2.2 public key available upon request or finger jet at simeon.nas.nasa.gov

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