PGP tutorial

Sameer zane at
Thu Jul 15 18:39:29 PDT 1993

In message <9307151349.AA05001 at>, "Perry E. Metzger" writes:
> Rather than pointing people to strange publications we've never heard
> of written by authors without credentials, might I suggest...
	Excellent comments, Perry, yes, but *I* have heard of Fringeware,
so maybe I'll throw some of my comments about Paco, as an "author
without credentials." (Not that I'm a cypherpunk with credentials or
anything. =)
	(I agree that reading the PGP-docs is probably the best way to
learn to use PGP, yet some people prefer simple tutorials-- when
advocating encryption-for-the-masses I don't expect everyone to
understand how RSA works, etc.)
	Fringeware is a 'zine which Paco Xander Nathan publishes, and while
he's no cypherpunk, he's an intelligent guy, so I'm pretty sure his
article would be a good one.

| Sameer Parekh-zane at genesis.MCS.COM-PFA related mail to pfa at genesis.MCS.COM |
| Apprentice Philosopher, Writer, Physicist, Healer, Programmer, Lover, more |
| "Symbiosis is Good" - Me_"Specialization is for Insects" - R. A. Heinlein_/
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