
Duncan Frissell 76630.3577 at CompuServe.COM
Fri Jul 9 12:39:33 PDT 1993

(Tim May)
>>>more and more universities are using the "sexual harassment" 
laws/codes to stop certain newsgroups, to halt the distribution of sexually 
oriented images, and to take disciplinary action against students (mostly 
male) who have put GIFs on their computers or workstations (apparently 
female students who walk past an office in which female models are used 
as startup screens have decided they are being "sexually assaulted" or

Here is a free sample of my legal drafting skills.  Post this notice and
you will be immune:


All speeches, writings, representations, or actions constituting symbolic 
speech; made, produced, or performed by me which are believed by anyone to be;
or which are held by any person or organization to be; RACIAL, SEXUAL, OR ANY
OTHER FORM OF HARASSMENT were made, produced, or performed by me with the 
specific intent to return the legal status of the person to whom they were 
directed to that legal status which they would have enjoyed prior to the 
year 1900.

Such speech, writing, representation, or action constituting symbolic speech;
is thus POLITICAL SPEECH and is absolutely protected by the First  Amendment 
to the United States Constitution. Therefore, No government  agency or private
institution acting under the orders of any government agency can legally 
punish me for such speech, writing, representation, or action constituting 8
symbolic speech.   

Make it clear that any move against you will cause you to wheel on in to 
federal court and sue their rear ends.

Also if your attacker is "of the Left" say:  "Look thousands of American boys
died to save the world from commie scum like you.  If I have to put up with 
persons of *your* ilk, then you have to put up with *my* personal peculiarities 
as well."

They tend to leave you alone after that. <G>

"Kids don't try this until you've been to law school."

In any case, net censorship is ridiculous when I can open 25 accounts per day
with Email access to Internet.

Duncan Frissell

* DUNCAN FRISSELL             Attorney at Law, Writer, and Privacy *
* CIS 76630,3577              Consultant since the Nixon           *
* Internet:                   Administration                       *
* 76630.3577 at                                        *
* or frissell at                                            *
* Easylink 62853962                                                *
* Attmail !dfrissell                                               *
* TLX:  402231 FRISSELL NYK                                        *
*                                                                  *
*    Privacy Checkup still only $29.95.  Buy today before price    *
*    controls force me to raise my prices.                         *
*                                                                  *
*    In 1870, a German couple registered the birth of their        *
*    little girl with the town clerk. 70 years later, the          *
*    woman that that little girl had become was executed           *
*    because of her parent's actions.  Don't let this happen       *
*    to you or your children. Give a gift of privacy this year.    *
*                                                                  *
Version: 2.2


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