a "real world" anonymous service

Mark W. Eichin eichin at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 29 12:43:44 PST 1993

Here's an interesting anonymous service that is almost in the real
world (at least in the sense that Cable TV in general is more
mainstream than most of what we do...)
File: /afs/athena.mit.edu/activity/s/sctv/CROSSLINK.info
CROSSLINK is an anonymous message system run on MIT Student Cable TV-36.
It provides an anonymous medium through which MIT students can say those
things they might otherwise find difficult, inconvenient or impossible to
say in person.  It's also a way to send fun or totally random messages to
your friends over the air.  It is similar to the anonymous message pages
found in many college newspapers, except that it's electronic in nature and
it's free.

What kind of messages can I put on CROSSLINK?
You can say whatever you want.  Get out your frustration.  Break the
ice with that person you're too shy to approach.  Try and re-establish
contact with the unknown person you saw last night.  Anything.

Well, almost anything; CROSSLINK is bound by the rules prohibiting
harassment at MIT.  Please don't use racial, sexual, or gender-based
slurs, because your message won't be run.  You can say a lot without
getting really nasty or lewd about it.

Also, we won't run commercial or group advertisements.  CROSSLINK is
intended to be a personal messaging system, not a billboard.

You can choose to sign your message however you wish (or not at all),
but the recipient must not be identified by name.  For instance,
"E.M.", "that guy with the crewcut", or "the loser behind me in 6.002"
are all perfectly acceptable ways to name your recipient, but "Eric
McDonald" and "E.  McDonald" are not.

How often is CROSSLINK on the air?
CROSSLINK is on MIT Channel 36 whenever there's empty air time.  We
don't have 24-hours of non-stop student programming every day, and we
aren't always able to "hijack" the satellite signal, so CROSSLINK
should be on most of the time.

Who will see CROSSLINK?
With over 4,000 cable outlets on and around campus, many many people
can see your message on CROSSLINK.

How long do CROSSLINK messages run?
Unless you otherwise request, CROSSLINK messages will be run for about
two days.

How do I submit a message to CROSSLINK?
You can drop off your message in one of two ways:

1) Write it down, fold the paper, write "CROSSLINK" on the outside,
   and slide it under the door to room 9-026 (or send it via inter-
   departmental mail).

2) Send it by email to crosslink at athena.mit.edu.  We promise we won't make
   a note of who sent what message, and we'll erase all email after we've
   written down the messages.  If you don't trust us, you can: use method #1,
   send it as root, or find a fake mail sender (but it's really not

We're working on other means of delivery, but that's it for now.

Remember: you may sign your message however you wish, and you need not
sign it at all.

For more information
This type of service is run successfully at colleges all over the
country, and it can be fun to read the messages some people leave.

If you want to find out more about CROSSLINK, please send email
to crosslink at athena.mit.edu.

 - Eric McDonald
   CROSSLINK Manager

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