David Brooks david.brooks at
Sat Jan 23 18:34:09 PST 1993

   Eric Hughes speaks:

EH> The solution is cooperative processing systems, where both the host
EH> and the terminal cooperate to perform some task.  Unfortunately, there
EH> is precious little software infrastructure to support such a
EH> development.  Terminal programs on PC's are still for the most part
EH> acting as dumb terminals, with the notable exception of file transfer
EH> protocols such as zmodem.

EH> I believe that cooperative communication software will be necessary
EH> for widespread use of cryptography--not just pleasant, but a
EH> precondition to large scale deployment.

   You've hit the nail on the head here, Eric. If public key encryption is
REALLY going to be for the masses, we are going to need something like
this... But it seems I'm going to have to code the damned thing myself,
eh? Anyone want to help?

EH> Onward.


david.brooks at

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