Who Me? Paranoid? Naaaah...

shipley at tfs.COM shipley at tfs.COM
Tue Jan 19 20:57:02 PST 1993

>I'm beginning to wonder if we shouldn't someday be able to run public email
>in a sort of "parallel universe," an entirely separate mail system complete
>with built-in RSA encryption on every piece of mail. That way, we would no
>longer rely on the Internet, which, unless I am completely off the mark,
>basically still exists at the pleasure of ARPA and could be completely
>infiltrated and controlled by the NSA for all we know.

Personaly (mostly before pgp) I used to set up direct uucp connections
to people I *had* have secure email with (I once had some sensitive email
intercepted thus causing *much* trouble for me).  

Since alot of my friends have unix boxes (Sun/SCO/386bsd/etc...) uucp
is alot easer.


PS: If anyone wants a uucp connection send me email

PPS: once I get my sendmail.cf cleaned up I can add people to my domain
	and I will set up a remailer.

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