A solution remailer signature suppression

Edgar W. Swank edgar at spectrx.Saigon.COM
Fri Jan 1 17:10:34 PST 1993

Hugh Daniels said here on Dec 28:
    There are very good reasons to build remailers (and all mail
    tools) to pass on all the bytes they can, trailing spaces and
    .sigs included.
Hugh doesn't say what these reasons are.  They are not obvious to me,
so I must disagree. I've already stated what I think are good reasons
at least for remailers whose purpose is anonymity to remove automatic
sigs which are likley to destroy anonymity.
I've said I would accept either a less ambiguous sig delimiter than
"--" or a remailer option to remove the sig (default) or leave it in.
    Might I sugjest that we set up the remailers with a feature where
    it tests mail sent from its owner to make sure there is no
    "compromising" content and that the outer shell verifies
    correctly, if it fails either of these tests it is dumped in a
    file and a note returned to you saying someings not right.
Hugh doesn't say what criteria we are to use to detect "compromising"
content (short of genuine AI) or what the outer shell is supposed to
verify to.  Why limit this test to the remailers "owner"?
This system I use doesn't allow me to run my own software, so I
think this idea wouldn't work for me, in any case.

edgar at spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005  Silicon Valley, Ca

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