more ideas on anonymity

Tony Kidson tony at
Sun Feb 28 01:11:48 PST 1993

In message <9302272006.AA16075 at SOS> you write:
>    Date: Sat, 27 Feb 93 00:58:46 GMT
>    From: Tony Kidson <tony at>
>    Yes, we can justify protecting those who threaten these acts.
>    This is a *far* cry fpom protecting those who *commit* those
>    acts.
> Ah, I see you are an absolute free-speach advocate.  The problem is that
> the line between speech and acts can be fuzzy at times, especially in
> the world of cyperspace model.

What you say is true, but I still think that you need to have a 
substantive act,  before you can apply *legal* sanctions.  The 
way to prevent threats, is, as people have said in other posts, 
to prevent the reception of anonymous mail by those who do not 
want to receive it.  

I freely admit that I *am* a free speech advocate.  I do not 
believe that you improve the condition of the world by preventing 
the speaking of undesirable words; Words should be countered by 
other words.  Many people plan to put the world to rights over a 
beer in a bar.  This may or may not include violent revolution. 
Are we to decree that this constitutes a violent criminal 

Speech does not harm anybody.  People acting on other's speech is 
what does the harm.  *Free* speech is indeed useful. It's when 
widely disseminated speech is in the hands of the few that its 
power can be wielded against the citizen and then it is 

| Tony Kidson     |    PGP 2.1 Key by request     | Voice +44 81 466 5127    |
| Morgan Towers,  |                               | E-Mail                   |
| Morgan Road,    |         This Space            | tony at  |
| Bromley,        |          to Rent              | tny at  |
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