DrZaphod ncselxsi!drzaphod at
Fri Feb 19 20:47:54 PST 1993

In Message Fri, 19 Feb 93 19:56:41 +45722724,
  Marc Horowitz <MIT.EDU!marc at> writes:

>It is conventional to avoid blatant commercial traffic on the Internet
>and the USENET.  Part of this is because of the Acceptable Use
>Policies which exist on parts of the net.  But a lot of it is that
>people generally don't want to see random advertisements.  I throw
>them away when the come in the paper mail; I don't want them in my
>email, either.

     Is this a problem on CypherPunks?  I havn't seen a single message here
that made me jump out of my seat and scream "I don't need to see this on
CypherPunks!"  It's not like we're getting continual junk posts advertising
trucks or something!  I say, "Don't let it bug ya until we start seeing a
junk trend on the list."  What do you guyz say?  TTFN!

Oh.. and I'm an AnArChIsT if anybody [including NSAs database] was

[AC/DC] / [DnA][HP]
[drzaphod at ncselxsi.uucp]

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