Spreading Encryption to Political Groups

Timothy C. May tcmay at netcom.com
Fri Feb 19 12:08:34 PST 1993

Kelly Goen expresses his outrage about the powerfreaks controlling the
police/spy/military agencies and encourages us to help spread encryption
and privacy technology to the groups figthing the government:

>and company and changes in their tax status. These were and are the same
>people suing the CIA over the La-penca bombing in honduras of
>Journalists during the times of the contras in Nicgura. They while their
>agenda is a good bit more political than ours have been the only ones for years
>keeping the federal government at bay by lawsuit.
>They need technical assistance, hookins to peacenet and Econet and general
>considering the widespread nature of the problem
>we are fighting here maybe we should consider very actively
>promultagating PGP and DC style anoymous networks among the
>pease/political/human rights group. It would provide
>convenient crypto-noise of PGP messgaes and greatly increase
>the amount of money that the federal government has to spend investigating and
>force them to spread themselves even more thinly...:)

I agree completely.

Even though I'm a libertarian (small "l") anarchocapitalist who happened to
vote for Perot (who has his defects!), I support some (but not all) of the
liberal agenda. Especially as regards getting the government out of our
lives. (And where I part company with many on the left is in the areas of
interference in free markets, anti-discrimination laws, and other statist
invasions of freedom and privacy.)

>From the Cypherpunks I have met, either at the physical meetings or at
places like the Hackers Conference, I would say that about 50% are strongly
libertarian/anarchist, about 20% are liberal/leftist, and the rest I don't
know about.

What's the point? That we should follow Kelly's advice and make some
contacts with those in other movements. I suspect this may be happening
anyway, as Phil ZImmermann has said he wrote PGP partly to help peace
activists and the like.

Just my opinion, of course.

-Tim May

Timothy C. May               | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  
tcmay at netcom.com        | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409               | knowledge, reputations, information markets, 
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA       | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: MailSafe and PGP available.

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