Letter to FCC

DrZaphod ncselxsi!drzaphod at ncselxsi.netcom.com
Sat Feb 13 16:38:12 PST 1993

In Message Sat, 13 Feb 93 7:29:25 PST,
  kumr.lns.com!pozar at netcomsv.netcom.com (Tim Pozar) writes:

>   I should add, it needs to be formated properly or it will not be read
>into the record and just tossed.   Some where around here I have an
>example folks can use.  I will dig it up and post it in a day or so.
     Well this is a nice little way for the government to bypass public
opinion.  "If it's not formatted right we won't read it."

[AC/DC] / [DnA][HP]
[drzaphod at ncselxsi.uucp]

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