White House letter

DrZaphod ncselxsi!drzaphod at ncselxsi.netcom.com
Fri Feb 5 07:29:48 PST 1993

In Message Thu, 4 Feb 1993 23:22-EST,
  GS80.SP.CS.CMU.EDU!Marc.Ringuette at netcomsv.netcom.com writes:

>Dear President Clinton,
>   Bring democracy to the bits!  Let's take a vote among all the bits
>   to decide which value, 0 or 1, is most correct.  Then we can set all
>   bits to that value and they will all be equal!
>Best regards,  The Cypherpunks (Socialist Subgroup).
     This one soundz a bit like self-rightiousness [sp?] FIND WHAT IS RIGHT
AND MAKE EVERYBODY "RIGHT".  I think that's what they're [we're?] already

>Dear President Clinton,
>   Freedom for the bits!  We will not rest until each bit is free to
>   determine its own natural orientation without outside coercion.  The
>   good news is, you don't need to do anything at all; merely get out of
>   the way of the free market, and the bits will free themselves.
>Best regards,  The Cypherpunks (Anarchist Subgroup).

     I like this one.. |-]

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[drzaphod at ncselxsi.uucp]

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