A New Enemy

L. Detweiler ld231782 at longs.lance.colostate.edu
Mon Dec 20 22:44:53 PST 1993

Hello, I just thought I would show one of my most hostile hate mail
messages I have seen so far, from someone I didn't even know was my
enemy. This was really painful.  This was posted to the public
cypherpunks list in Colorado moderated and founded by N.Sammons. I have
met members at the first meeting and the more recent PRZ lecture. 

I have found I don't even have any friends in the Colorado group
either, despite my belief up to this point to the contrary. I was
thrown off the list without my knowledge, supposedly because someone
asked. I swear, I had not written a single annoying thing on that list
in my LIFE and hadn't posted for MONTHS and I was censored.  This is
really getting ugly, getting out of control. Whatever happened to, `its
just ASCII text'?

Look everyone, I apologized to every cypherpunk in the world in my
posting, Embarrassment, Humiliation, Shame, and an Apology, for my past
actions on this list. Please reread this to see that I was sincere.
These further efforts just amount to beating a man when he is down.
This stuff is getting extremely vicious. I took a vacation and have
really mellowed out, I assure you. Have you seen any disruptive
postings by me here at all? I have stopped! I'm just out in the
newsgroups, nothing else. Not even touching your list. Do you begrudge
me even that? Please do not send me such painfully excruciating searing
spiteful mail. I really do have feelings. I am just another human being.

By the way, I will let you in on a secret. I admit that I was really
out of control a few weeks ago.  But you know what? Here is my dirty
little secret. The only reason that I was able to harass you guys so
much was that you reacted to it. If you trully followed your own
philosophies, such as taking all text impartially (`there is only a
message') I would have gone away a long time ago. 

The amazing secret: if something *really* offends you, the most
devastating response is to IGNORE IT. That bastard S.Boxx seems to
understand this. He is *driven* by responses to flamebait, clearly.
Ignore him and he will go away. I ask that everyone distinguish between
me and S.Boxx. He is the one causing all the trouble now, and I have
nothing to do with it. Forward him all your vicious hate mail comparing
him to Stalin. If you continue to attack me for something from every
lame anonymous address in the world, perhaps you will successfully
drive me to the madness you claim I am in!

As far as this person's threats, I would advise the author that the
postmaster bit hasn't worked so far. Please do not bother my
postmaster. There is no need. I HAVE STOPPED, DAMNIT! The author does
say he has extensive L.D. archives. Mine are in disarray. If anyone
wants any of my past rants to try to blacken me further, contact him
for the exact one.  

p.s. edited to preserve anonymity.


From: W.B.
Subject: Re: N.S. is a Liar
To: "L. Detweiler" <ld231782 at longs.lance.colostate.edu>
cc: colorado_cypherpunks at VIS.ColoState.EDU

Dear Detweiler,

Now you have seriously pissed ME off. 

Not being content with disrupting the content of the CA cypherpunks list, 
you are now attacking Mr. S. And wasting my time on this list.
> Mr. S., either someone asked you or they did not. You will tell me
> if someone asked you or not. You will tell the truth. If you do not, I
> will go to every single person on this list and ask them if they asked
> you to take me off the list. 

Detweiler, If I DIDN'T ask N. to take you off the list, then I was 
seriously remiss. I hereby pubicly ask Nate to remove you and all your
tentacles from the list. Further, I want a anti Detweiler filter on postings.

> You continue to evade on this point. I will not allow it. 

You won't WHAT ? 

Listen, asshole this little repartee is gonna get *REAL* nasty if you don't 
shut the fuck up and crawl back into your diseased little hole.
Just for the record, Just WHO do you think you are anyway ?
Jesus ? Stalin ? Some poor villified martyr who is being tortured for
his attempts at telling the truth ?

> Call me Hitler if you like

Oh, You think you are Hitler. 

Naw, Hitler was dangerous, you are simply annoying.

> N.S.
> >There is nothing that I sent to you that I will give a flying fuck about being
> >posted to this list (althought the other on the list may want to get some
> >work done, and may not give a shit about you).  I might need to talk to 
> >Dempsey about you lance account if you do this, though.  
> Interesting threat. For everyone who may not know, Mr. D. is an
> administrator here in the Engineering dept., distinct from Mr.
> S.'s dept. And Mr. S. has now stooped to the wretched level
> of the legendary D.Barnes. Mr. S., would you like the phone number
> of my girlfriend? Perhaps you can get her to get me to stop harassing  you.


> CO cypherpunks, I am deeply disappointed in this sordid display of
> depravity. I was sincerely interested in staying in this group and
> making contributions. In fact, I had a topic that was perfect for the
> list I was about to talk about. 

Sure you do. I'll just bet you did. Gee i really feel a keen loss.

> CO Cypherpunks, please send me mail,
> all of you. 

OK, here you go.

> Tell me whether you sent N.Sammons a letter to kick me off
> the list. Tell me if you received a letter from him that he had kicked
> me off. Tell me if you hate my guts and would like to see me bleed a
> slow death. Tell me what the @#$%^&* is going on the list, because I am
> obviously no longer on it. Tell me if you don't ever want to see me at
> a meeting again. Tell me I am worthless human scum. I promise to go
> away if you do so.

OK, you are a worthless human scum. Once i thought that you were at least 
human and worth hearing out. Now I know better. Go away. Far far away.

Before you cry censorship, folks, try on this scenario.

Two or more adults are carrying on a conversation on a topic of their 
choosing. A small child starts interrupting the adults conversation. 
continually, incessantly. The adults ignore it. The child increases it's 
efforts, and throws a tantrum. The adults ignore it. Finally the child 
craps on one of the adults shoes. The adult picks the kid up, spanks it, 
and sends it off to bed.

It ain't censorship, people. This loon hasn't made a significant 
contribution to the cypherpunks since the FAQ way back when.

You seem to like ultimatums, Detweiler, try this one on for size.
Either you stop posting on this list immediately, AND the CA cypherpunks 
list Immediately, or I call Mr Dempsey. And email him a list (about 300K) 
of ALL your postings. I have been saving them. And go ahead and show 
anyone you want the private email I sent to you. MAKE sure the signature 
matches the text, folks.

Detweiler, go ahead and call me a tentacle. say anything your slimy and 
demented litle heart desires.

But do not even think about threatening me. 


Feel Lucky, Detweiler ?

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