He's Baaack!

bill.stewart@pleasantonca.ncr.com +1-510-484-6204 wcs at anchor.ho.att.com
Wed Dec 15 00:53:53 PST 1993

Keywords: Detweiler

Yeah, one of his tentacles is posting to Cypherpunks again; unfortunately
we haven't really decided how to do a good reputation system yet,
so filtering out these sorts of attacks without also trashing newbies
and causing other collateral damage isn't easy yet.

However, I can report that at the December physical Cypherpunks meeting
in the Bay Area, Tim May pointed out that *all* the major tentacles were there -
Tim, Eric, John Gilmore, Nick Szabo, and Jamie Dinkelacker.  Just for fun,
I asked Jamie if I could see his driver's license (it's a "real" California
license), and Tim, Eric, and Nick also presented theirs.  (John was
out of the room doing Cygnus business, but I've known him for 6-7 years.)
Either they're all separate people, or Tim/Eric/Dr.Moriarty/Jamie/Medusa
hired a bunch of actors and got good fake California ID for them.
On the other hand, I suppose this just means that *I'm* one of the
tentacles now, but I guess that's just a risk you've got to take
in the search for Truth, Justice, and the American Way....

				Tentacle #9

# Also known as
# Bill Stewart  NCR Corp, 6870 Koll Center Parkway, Pleasanton CA, 94566
# Voice/Beeper 510-224-7043, Phone 510-484-6204
# email bill.stewart at pleasantonca.ncr.com billstewart at attmail.com

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