Help me get off cypherwonks list

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 6 18:23:21 PST 1993

FYI: If you read that message carefully, you will notice that
cypherpunks was *NOT* subscribed to cypherwonks, and neither were any
of the cypherpunks subscribers.

If you do not want to be on cypherwonks, then do nothing, and you will
not be on it.

The message you saw was a result of a cypherpunks subscriber
redistributing the cypherwonks intoduction message to cypherpunks.

It would have been nice if the message to cypherpunks had said what it
was.. I had to look really closely to notice that the message was
destined for the person who sent it, not to the list.  But please do
not be alarmed by the message.  

Again:  You are not on cypherwonks!


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