Oceania (libertarian country in the works)

Kurt Wiedenhoeft kurtww at netcom.com
Fri Aug 6 21:05:22 PDT 1993

hey all,

I just realized that I haven't seen any info on the Atlantis
Project come across the list (at least that I can remember).
That seems strange, since it seems to support directly or
indirectly all the Cypherpunk ideals.

Without going into too much detail (unless there is interest, I
suppose), The Atlantis Project is working on establishing a
floating city-state called Oceania in the Caribbean, based on a
very laissez-faire constitution and code of laws.  In my opinion,
Oceania is to become what Jefferson would have wanted the US to
be today.  

To receive periodic updates, mail your email (and snail mail)
address to oceania at world.std.com .  If anyone wants some more
info, I've got bunches of back mail I could send out to whoever wants

BTW, I heartily second Tim May's endorsement of Netcom as an
internet provider.

*/--kurtww at netcom.com--503/297.6555---Finger-for-Public-Key--\*
|.Kurt Wiedenhoeft....."What is an Epigram? a dwarfish whole,.|
|.RGB Imaging, Inc..... Its body brevity, and wit its soul."..|

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