Ad hoc Cypherpunks meeting April 24

Edward Bertsch eab at
Tue Apr 20 20:20:57 PDT 1993

As I wasn't able to attend this meeting (for obvious geographic reasons)
I did the next best thing (and urge every concerned list member to do
the same):

I gave my elected goons^h^h^h^h^hpoliticians a barrage of fax messages
on the subject.  If you don't have a fax modem, it's about time you get
one, it really is the best way to make your views heard by your
elected thugs (and to have them heard in your words, not summarized
like will happen when you call and give your message to their staff
by voice).  I write one leter, then select multiple (local) fax phone
#'s to send it to.  The program takes care of the rest.

(I use a multitech modem with a beta version of the windows print
capture fax software)

Get PGP22 before it becomes illegal!

Edward A. Bertsch (eab at   Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc.
Operations/User Services          1200 Washington Avenue South
(612) 626-1888 work               Minneapolis, Minnesota  55415
(612) 645-0168 voice mail         FAX: (612) 624-6550

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