[telco-cg] Utility computing enabled by high bit rate networks: Opportunity and requirements

Sumit Naiksatam snaiksatam at scu.edu
Thu Apr 26 17:18:53 CDT 2007

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                Utility computing enabled by high bit rate networks: Opportunity and requirements
                       Workshop collocated with GridNets 2007 organized by CARRIOCAS [1] project

Call for papers

Scientific or industrial computing/data intensive applications may benefit on a on-demand basis from powerful end systems such as computing or storage servers provided by external companies/service providers and remotely accessible via metropolitan or wide area networks. Enabling a large scale adoption of such an utility computing model requires the support from  shared carrier networks by opposition to dedicated research networks. However, for production level networking, this raises two main issues:

- Business related: Are the concerned users ready to use externalized resource and to  converge their use on a shared network ? What would be the business relationship between application users, network operator and resource providers ?
- Technical related: What are the technical constraints on the networks resulting from this usage ? How do they vary from one application to another ? Which kind of interactions between the applications and the network belonging to different administrative domains can exist to enforce the network service required by the distributed applications?

The workshop intends to address these issues from these two interrelated realms, by discussing in particular the following points:

- Interest, enablers, and feasibility of the externalization of computing and storage resources through a network, drivers and brakes for such an evolution.
- Typology of distributed applications, factors of differentiation (number of sites and users, data volumes, sequence of application sessions, capacity to plan the phases, level of interactivity ...)
- Requirements on the quality of service at network level: constraints of bandwidth, latency, connectivity dynamics, security ....
The relevant contributions for this workshop are in particular among the following themes:
- Description of practical experiences of distributed applications over long distance networks, performance assessment
- Analysis of network requirements for specific applications in industrial or scientific domains, in areas such as aeronautics, automotive, energy, pharmaceutical, climatology, biology, physics, finance, etc.
- Impact of network QoS (throughput, latency ....) over application quality of experiences: theoretical and/or experimental analysis
- Scalability analysis of  on-demand/scheduled usage of distributed resources with respect to the network size, to the number of users, of applicative sessions, of resource servers, etc ...
- Application-network interaction model: Overlay model versus integrated model
- Co-allocation and orchestration of end-system  and network resources, network (re)configuration driven by application needs
- Security, trustability aspects in utility computing
- Market analysis and business models studies related to utility computing over converged networks
- Associated service definition and service level agreements encompassing both network and computing/storage resources

A one-page description of the proposed contribution should be sent to Olivier.Audouin at alcatel-lucent.fr and Dominique.Verchere at alcatel-lucent.fr .

Deadline for submission is July 19th
Notification of acceptance: August 24th

More about Gridnets: http://gridnets.org/2007/ More about CARRIOCAS project: http://www.carriocas.org


[1] CARRIOCAS studies and implements an ultra high bit rate (up to 40Gb/s per channel) optical fiber core network to meet the scientific and industrial needs in remote usage of computing and storage resource for high performance interactive/collaborative simulations and virtual prototyping. The CARRIOCAS consortium gathers academic and industrial experts in distributed applications, networking, computing and optics pertaining to 22 institutions.

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