[telco-cg] White Paper on Telco Grid Managed Services

MULLAN Pramila RD-ILAB-SSF pramila.mullan at rd.francetelecom.com
Thu Aug 18 13:07:34 CDT 2005

Hi John,


Firstly thanks so much for getting us off the ground here. Some of my
comments below:


We need to create one document which outlines all the roles of the telco
rather than three separate documents. So you have gotten us essentially
started on one part of the document. Futhermore, even for the Grid Managed
service provider section,  I think we need to have 3 parts to the section
and they are all being muddled right now in your writeup.


What is it??? What is a managed grid provider?


Why is a telco particularly suited to play that role?


What services/ families of services could a telco as a managed grid provider
potentially provide? 


And then, what requirements does that place - on the telco? On the standards
bodies? On the grid implementations? Etc. 


My two cents worth.








From: owner-telco-cg at ggf.org [mailto:john.ennis at ftgx.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:15 AM
To: telco-cg at ggf.org
Subject: [telco-cg] White Paper on Telco Grid Managed Services




Attached, for review and comment, is a first shot (very preliminary) at a
White Paper for Telco Grid Managed Services.  Pramila asked me to send it to
the group, and she would respond with her comments.


John Ennis

FiberNet Telecom Group

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