[SEM-GRD] Open positions at DeustoTech-Internet (MORElab) research group

David Buján david.bujan at deusto.es
Tue Dec 22 04:30:05 EST 2015

Dear all,

Our research group (http://morelab.deusto.es) is looking for three highly
motived and skilled software developers to support our research work in
three different H2020 European projects.

Here you are more details:


Spread the word, please... ;^)

David Buján Carballal
Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de Deusto)
Avenida de las universidades 24. 48007 Bilbao, Bizkaia (SPAIN)
email: david.bujan at deusto.es
Tel.: +34-944-139-000 ext. 2797
Fax.: +34-944-139-101
Despacho: 555-D (5ª planta)
URL: http://morelab.deusto.es/people/members/david-bujan/
URL: http://paginaspersonales.deusto.es/dbujan

"No todas las personas pueden ser ilustres, pero todas pueden ser buenas.
Not everyone can be illustrious, but they all can be good."

"Buenas palabras y buenos modos cuestan poco y agradan a todos. Good words
and good manners are cheap and please everybody."
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