[sem-grd] CFP Ubiquitous Computing and e-Research

David De Roure dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Mar 18 12:25:01 CST 2005

Announcing the Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and e-Research on 
May 18-19 in Edinburgh, UK, held in conjunction with the UK e-Science 
programme.  Position papers are due April 22nd. 

Workshop web page  http://www.semanticgrid.org/ubinesc.html
Registration page  http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/530/

See below for a text version of the workshop Web page.

This workshop addresses the intersection of the Semantic Grid 
and the physical world.  The background includes the NGG+ report
and this GGF9 paper


Please circulate this call to any of your colleagues who are 
interested in research which touches in some way on aspects of 
both ubiquitous computing (equally ambient intelligence, pervasive
computing) and e-Science/e-Research/grid computing, including of 
course semantic aspects.


-- Dave

Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and e-Research


A joint workshop between the UK-UbiNet Ubiquitous Computing Network
and the e-Science Programme
National eScience Centre, Edinburgh, UK 18-19 May 2005

The digital world of the Grid meets the physical world through a
variety of sensors, instruments and interfaces. Projects in the
e-Science programme have increasingly become aware of the need to
focus on this digital-physical interface of the grid, and the
ubiquitous computing community is looking towards the Grid for aspects
of processing, data handling, integration and access. Meanwhile there
is also interest in applying middleware techniques across these
distributed computing domains. The objective of this workshop is to
bring together researchers and practitioners across these fields and
identify research agendas which bring together ubiquitous computing
and e-Science / e-Research / Grid.

Target audience

The workshop is jointly organised by the e-Science and UK UbiNet
communities, and follows on from a Birds-of-Feather session at the UK
e-Science All Hands Workshop in September 2004. It is aimed at all
members of the ubiquitous/pervasive computing or e-Science research,
development and user communities who have an interest in the
application of ubiquitous computing to e-Science applications, grid
computing to ubiquitous applications (e.g. sensor networks), grid
computation and virtualisation over networks of devices, or any other
area which draws on both ubiquitous computing and e-Research - see the
list of example topics below. As well as bringing people together and
sharing results, requirements and issues, the workshop will provide a
basis to discuss mechanisms for taking this research community
forward, especially in the light of the strategic attention given to
some of these areas in forthcoming funding programmes.


The objective of the workshop is to facilitate discussions between
atendees. The workshop sessions will consist of an invited talk plus
two or three 10 minute presentations of relevant position papers,
followed by a 20-30 minute discussion.

Position Papers
We invite position papers of up to 5 pages in length. These should
present work and ideas which touch on both ubiqutious computing and
e-Science/e-Research/Grid. Topics include but are certainly not
limited to:

  * e-Science applications which use devices for data acquisition,
    interaction or notification
  * Sensor networks and the grid, including pollution monitoring etc
  * Grid instruments and appliances
  * Medical devices and the grid
  * Grid in the home
  * Ambient intelligence and the Grid
  * Ubicomp HCI for devices on the Grid
  * Computation on networks of devices
  * Self-organisation (self-configuration, self-management,
    self-healing) in Grid and pervasive distributed systems
  * Using grid to integrate pervasive applications
  * Middleware issues for ubiquitous devices
  * Virtualisation over networks of devices
  * Metadata, context, and information systems issues in Grid and
  * Description, discovery and composition of services and/or
  * Semantic grid and pervasive computing
  * Agent based computing and multiagent systems for grid and

Position papers should be in Word, PDF or HTML format and will be
made available on the Web. For planning purposes we request an
abstract one week in advance of the position paper deadline:
  * Abstracts due Friday April 15, 2005
  * Position papers due Friday April 22, 2005
Abstracts and papers should be submitted electronically to Nicky
Harding, email nch at ecs.soton.ac.uk.

Invited talks

  * Environmental e-Science, Tom Rodden, University of Nottingham
  * Smart Laboratories to Smart Papers, Jeremy Frey, CombeChem and
    User Task Force
  * UbiGrid, Oliver Storz/Adrian Friday, University of Lancaster
  * Appliance Aggregation, Dimitris Lioupis, University of Patras
  * The myTea project, monica schraefel, University of Southampton
  * FireGrid Dave Berry, University of Edinburgh
  * Self-organisation in Environmental Sensor Networks, Ian Marshall,
    University of Kent (title TBC)
  * Resource Management Strategies for Sensor Network Ensembles, 
    Omer Rana, Welsh e-Science Centre

The Workshop will be held at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) in
Edinburgh, starting in the morning of Wednesday 18 May and finishing
in the afternoon of Thursday 19 May. If you would like to attend the
workshop please visit the NeSC Web Site for this event:

Organising and Programme Committee

  * David De Roure, University of Southampton (Chair)
  * Tom Rodden, University of Nottingham
  * Morris Sloman, Imperial College
  * Oliver Storz, University of Lancaster
  * Ian Marshall, University of Kent
  * Peter Dickman, University of Glasgow
  * Omer Rana, University of Cardiff

Please contact David De Roure <dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk> or 
Nicky Harding <nch at ecs.soton.ac.uk>

Prof David De Roure                        phone +44 (0)23 8059 2418
Head of Grid and Pervasive Computing       fax   +44 (0)23 8059 2865
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton                  email dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK                  http://www.soton.ac.uk/~dder/

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