[sem-grd] Re: GGF14 Semantic Grids and the Agents Community

David De Roure dder at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 13:35:11 CDT 2005


Some thoughts from the discussion at the end of this morning's

- The world we describe, where the decision about exactly which
service is to be used is taken out of the hands of the users, may 
not be what all users want.

- It was apparent that the agents approach is more "loosely coupled" 
than the grid services approach appears to be at this time, and may
therefore be particularly beneficial at the inter-grid level.

- How to engage the agents and grid communities?  In agents there have
been very successfuly competitions / challenges (Jon Dale ran an Agent
Cities one).  Could we do a challenge on the Grid?  This would require
some Grid services.  I will take this issue back to GGF - i.e. will 
GGF provide/coordinate/list Grid services for community use?  It also 
requies a scenario(s) (which must be motivating!)  Suggestions?

- People in the research community are looking at agents and web 
services and at semantic web services.  What happens when working
with grid services instead? e.g. Are the existing solutions affected 
by the state-handling?  Do grid services go some way to providing 
agent functionality beyond web services?  Are OWL-S/WSMO/WSDL-S
neutral about the extra functionality in Grid services?

Please add to this anything I've forgotten (I'm sure there's something...)

Incidentally, I heard from Julie on the GGF operations side that we 
had over half the registered participants at GGF in the community track
this morning - this is a clear success for the community track approach!
I welcome comments on this that I can feed back into the GGF community


-- Dave

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