[security-area] Draft Agenda of TC-BoF at GGF13

Wenbo Mao wenbo.mao at hp.com
Thu Mar 10 09:49:12 CST 2005

Hear is a draft agenda of TC-BoF at GGF13.
The BoF will be held on Monday or Tuesday am. Time and room will be 
announced shortly.

1. (10 mins) Introduction and Housekeeping

2. (20 mins) Wenbo Mao, HP Labs Bristol:
    "Innovations for the Grid Security from the Trusted Computing"
     -- System behavior conformance and group-oriented security from
          root of trust from measurement and remote platform attestation

3. (10 mins) Andrew Martin, Oxford University:
    "Opportunities for using Trusted Computing Platforms with Grid/Web 
     -- Use cases: Climateprediction.net clients, Medical Informatics

4. (20 mins) Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and 
    "Security Requirements for ChinaGrid"
     -- What the current Grid security solutions cannot do

5. (20 mins) Michael Helm, ESnet: DOEGrids:
    "Trusted Computing vs Certificate Authorities"
     -- TC-like service in existing CA's
         Could TC help existing CA's?
         Can Grid CA's make TC more useful at the end user / server?

6. (30 mins) Charter Discussion

Best regards,
Wenbo Mao and Andrew Martin

Dr Wenbo Mao
Principal Engineer         Tel:          +44 (0)117 312 9528
Hewlett-Packard Labs.      Fax:          +44 (0)117 312 9285
Filton Road, Bristol       Email:           wenbo.mao at hp.com
United Kingdom BS34 8QZ    http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/wm

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