[scrm-wg] Notes from SCRM Meeting @ OGF 26 - Tuesday May 26th 3:30 - 5pm EDT

Mark A. Carlson Mark.Carlson at Sun.COM
Tue May 26 15:52:24 CDT 2009

SCRM 2009-05-26  (Notes from Joel - thanks!)

July 13 OMG cloud standards summit
July 15 government symposium on cloud computing.
Winston and Mark will be at both meetings.

value to the industry to document the efforts going on in this space.  A 
wiki creates a good platform to keep it updated and current.

  From a tactical standpoint, DMTF board discussed wanting an 
organizational-neutral wiki, and help fund it, user-friendly URLs, and 
certificate fixed.
something like scrm-wiki.org

Winston - can put some things in in parallel with pursing the 
org-neutral site.

Goal: by July 13th meeting have the wiki up, put out the call to 

Who should we be talking with?
Need to set some bar, like that they are an actual organization not just 
a google group.

Action - Winston: Create an organization-neutral site for the wiki.

Template - having some broad categories will be helpful.
Action - Mark: Create a cloud standard template using the management 
template as a guide.

Keeping the wiki updated and then promoting (as a group) that this is a 
good resource for analysts and media to have as a one-stop shop to know 
what is going on.
Hosting the taxonomies that develop in the various organizations or 
Then promotion, both externally and internally.

Question about information overload.

Who are the people that we should reach out to?
CCIF, Cloud Security Alliance, Open Cloud Consortium, OMG, the Open 
Group, IETF, W3C, OASIS...

Action - Chris Smith: Work through OGF Liaisons to reach out to partner 

Winston: Possibly have feedback links to suggest or respond to the orgs 
Chris: condition that the orgs provide a URL or email list to send 
comments to.
Mark: Perhaps list the representatives of each org.
Winston: Event coordination
Chris: Maybe annotate event lists with who is going to be there.

Mark, meanwhile, put up first draft of the cloud standard template here:


(please log on and edit in your changes)
> Temporary Wiki Site for Cloud Standards Coordination:
> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.scrm-wg/wiki/CloudStandardsCoordination
> (please add or edit your SDO entry)
> Wiki site for SCRM maintenance
> https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/wiki1479

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