[SAGA-RG] Comments on the actual specification rather than the words ...

Steve Fisher dr.s.m.fisher at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 11:11:49 EDT 2012

It is probably worth saying that all classes are of the new style -
inheriting directly or indirectly from the standard "object".

We need to state the expected type of the input arguments

class SagaException the init method should allow no object to be specified:

__init__ (self, message, object = None)

class Url looks more complex than it is. It has a constructor which
takes a string, a translate method and a bunch of properties.  I am
not sure that the  string value should be available as a property
because the string changes value any time that scheme, host etc. are
modified and vice versa.

What exactly does a line such as:

     scheme = property (get_scheme, set_scheme )


class Context
GFD90 does not mention the close() method. Is this here because you
need some kind of destructor for a context?

Now for the last page sd and isn

as python takes named parameters we should have all parameters
defaulting  where reasonable

def __init__ (self, url = None, session=None) : pass # None

def list_services (self, service_filter = None, data_filter = None,
authz_filter=None) : pass # [ServiceDescription]

and for the ISN

def __init__ (self, model, name, filter = None, url=None,
session=None) : pass # None


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