[SAGA-RG] missing(?) method reporting last modification time

Sylvain Reynaud Sylvain.Reynaud at in2p3.fr
Thu Sep 24 08:55:32 CDT 2009

Andre Merzky a écrit :
> Hi Sylvain, 
Hi Andre,

> Quoting [Sylvain Reynaud] (Sep 24 2009):
>> Hi,
>> Last attempt to propose a better name for flag 'DoNotFailIfDoesNotExist' 
>> (see last item: "avoid check for existence on open/creation of ns 
>> entries")...
>> What do you think about "MissingOK" ?
>> It gives a good idea of what it is supposed to do.
>> It is short.
>> It is already used at least in the linux world : used by logrotate to 
>> continue with no error message when the log file does not exist, and 
>> used in rpm spec files to continue with no error message when a package 
>> is not installed.
> I pondered about your problem again, and have a couple of
> questions (again).  Sorry if I reopen the can of worms,
> after we converged pretty much already...
> So, in fact what you want to achieve is a delayed
> initialization, because in your use case the additional
> round trip time for making sure the file exists is
> expensive.
> I understand that - if you just read small amounts of data
> from many files, just opening the files can double the
> overall latency, for example.
Yes. That's the point.

> The first question though is, why don't you use the
> asynchronous file constructor for performing the open
> operation?  After all, the async operations have been
> introduced in particular to hide latencies.
> Assuming that async ops do not help, for some reason: 
> Just allowing to delay the error on synchronous construction
> may form a bad precedence, really, as one could argue that
> we would need that on all operations.  Like, one could
> create a job::service instance for some endpoint URL, but
> report a DoesNotExist error only when later trying to submit
> a job.
Yes, this use-case is equivalent to mine, although the impact on the 
latency may not be as significant.

>   Or one could write some data to a file, and report
> an error later on when trying to read that data back again,
This one is a different use-case because SAGA implementation does not 
have to query the remote service to know if data is being written. 
Hence, user can implement this behavior by catching the exception raised.

> etc.  
> Is your use case different from those cases where one could
> delay error reporting, too?  If so, how?
> Or positively speaking:
> If there is a reason why async operations won't work,
It would work, but it is still useless messages sent to the server...

>  and
> one still needs to have a flag to cover the use case, then
> in fact a 'DelayErrors' flag may be more appropriate, as it
> would allow us to use it in other situations, and not only
> in the specific one your use case met (file does not exist).
I agree. 'DelayErrors' is a better name than 'MissingOK', even for my 
use case, because all these errors may be raised on later invocations of 
method objects.

> But then again, introducing a general flag for delaying
> errors is quite a significant semantic change, really.
> FWIW, Hartmut (and someone else, can't remember) brought
> that topic up a while ago, when wondering if SAGA calls
> should not be getting an optional additional parameter to be
> returned on any errors, like
>   // standard SAGA call 
>   size_t s = file.get_size (); // can throw
>   std::cout << "size: " << s << "\n";
>   // error ignoring SAGA call
>   size_t s = file.get_size (0); // never throws
>   if ( s == 0 ) std::cout << "size: Unknown\n;"
> The proposed signature change would basically allow for SAGA
> calls which never throw, no matter the error condition.
I don't see any reason for doing this, since the user can always catch 
the exception if he/she wants to ignore the error.
What I would like to do is not to ignore errors that have already been 
detected, but to disable preliminary checks when needed.

> Effectively, the 'DelayErrors' flag discussed above does the
> same for constructors.
> I am not saying that we should consider those signatures, at
> least not for the current SAGA version (it is far too late
> in the specification roadmap to do so), but just wanted to
> mention it, as it seems to touch upon the same problem
> space.
> Bottom line:  An IgnoreDoesNotExistException (which your
> 'MissingOK' basically translates to) sounds a very specific
> flag, for a very specific use case.  Do asynchronous
> operations help? 
Better than synchronous, but still not optimal...

> If not, should we consider a DelayErrors
> flag, possibly for the next SAGA version?
'DelayErrors' sounds good to me.

Best regards,
> Best, Andre.
>> Best regards,
>> Sylvain
>> Andre Merzky a écrit :
>>> Dear Sylvain,
>>> I dropped the ball on this thread I think.  Also, I think we
>>> came a conclusion about a number of issues already.  So, let
>>> me try to summarize where we stand.  I'd loke to use this as
>>> a last call for the list for the closed items, and as a call
>>> for feedback for the items still open.
>>> Closed items
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  - add a LastModiefied timestamp to namespace entries (in
>>>    addition to Created timestamp)
>>>    -> added as get_mtime() to namespace::entry
>>>  - IncorrectType for 
>>>     task   t = f.get_size <Sync>   ();
>>>     size_t s = t.get_result <char> ();
>>>     -> added to the spec
>>>  - context.toString():
>>>    -> this is a language binding issue - no change in spec
>>>  - NSEntry.remove() should allow for rmdir
>>>    -> corrected in spec (Recursive flag only required for
>>>       non-empty dirs)
>>>  - CPUArchitecture and OperatingSystemType should be scalar
>>>    -> needs to be fixed in spec
>>>  - job are missing a state "QUEUED"
>>>    -> this is a state_detail of the Running state - no
>>>       change in spec.
>>>  - removing the Queue attrib 
>>>    -> resolution unclear, possibly postponed to next JSDL
>>>       version, or to a SAGA resource package, whichever
>>>       comes first
>>>  - avoid check for existence on open/creation of ns entries
>>>    -> two possible solutions
>>>       (a) overload Exclusive
>>>         // entry exists
>>>         open (name, Create | Exclusive) : fail
>>>         open (name, Create            ) : success
>>>         open (name,          Exclusive) : success
>>>         open (name                    ) : success
>>>         // entry does not exist
>>>         open (name, Create | Exclusive) : success (creates)
>>>         open (name, Create            ) : success
>>>         open (name,          Exclusive) : no check (later IncorrectState)
>>>         open (name                    ) : fail
>>>      (b) add new flag 'DoNotFailIfDoesNotExist' (better
>>>         name needed)
>>>         // entry exists
>>>         open (name, Create | Exclusive) : fail
>>>         open (name, Create            ) : success
>>>         open (name, DNFIDNE           ) : success
>>>         open (name                    ) : success
>>>         // entry does not exist
>>>         open (name, Create | Exclusive) : success (creates)
>>>         open (name, Create            ) : success
>>>         open (name, DNFIDNE           ) : no check (later IncorrectState)
>>>         open (name                    ) : fail
>>>      I vote for (a), because I think its simplier and
>>>      because I can't think of a good name for the new flag.
>>>      Sylvain votes for (b) IIRC, but does not have a good
>>>      name either ;-)
>>>      Group should consider this to be a last call!
>>> So, I hope I covered all items - let me know if not!
>>> Best, Andre.
>>> Quoting [Sylvain Reynaud] (Jun 06 2009):
>>>> Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:29:10 +0200
>>>> From: Sylvain Reynaud <Sylvain.Reynaud at in2p3.fr>
>>>> To: Andre Merzky <andre at merzky.net>
>>>> CC: Thilo Kielmann <kielmann at cs.vu.nl>, saga-rg at ogf.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [SAGA-RG] missing(?) method reporting last modification time
>>>> Andre Merzky a écrit :
>>>>> Quoting [Sylvain Reynaud] (Jun 05 2009):
>>>>>> Andre Merzky a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi again, 
>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>> Quoting [Sylvain Reynaud] (Jun 05 2009):
>>>>>>>>>> - Queue: this attribute makes the job description dependent on the 
>>>>>>>>>> targeted
>>>>>>>>>> execution site, this information should be put in the URL instead.
>>>>>>>>> Interesting point.  The problem I see is that its hard to
>>>>>>>>> define a standard way on *how* to encode it in the URL, as
>>>>>>>>> each URL component (host, path, query, ...) may already be
>>>>>>>>> interpreted by the backend.
>>>>>>>>> For example, a globus job manager URL may well look like
>>>>>>>>> https://some.remote.host:9443/wsrf/services/ManagedExecutableJobService?65e59770-35e1-11da-8810-a04185b6c7ae
>>>>>>>>> Where would you put the queue?
>>>>>>>> In JSAGA, such URL is used internally, user gives this URL:
>>>>>>>> wsgram://some.remote.host:9443/Fork
>>>>>>> sure, that will mostly work.  The point is however, that we
>>>>>>> can't assure that it breaks for other backends which require
>>>>>>> a path specification on the URL.
>>>>>> But anyway, I think that the main point is not to know if we should put 
>>>>>> it in the URL or not, it is rather to know if the queue is part of the 
>>>>>> job description or part of the targeted resource.
>>>>>> IMHO, the answer is "targeted resource", because if the service 
>>>>>> discovery extension does not provide this information (either in the 
>>>>>> URL or in the service_data object), you can not guess it by yourself.
>>>>> Hi Sylvain, 
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> yes, excellent description of the problem: it should be part
>>>>> of the resource specification, not part of the job
>>>>> description.  Alas, we don't have a resource description
>>>>> (yet).  BTW, the same holds IMHO for CPUArchitecture for
>>>>> example, doesn't it?
>>>> I think CPUArchitecture and other resource specification attributes are 
>>>> part of the job description, since they describe the job requirements.
>>>> But IMHO, attribute queue is not part of resource specification, it is 
>>>> part of *resource location* (like URL).
>>>> Although queues are often configured with names "short" or "long", they 
>>>> can be used for very different purposes (e.g. queues by VO, by SLA, by 
>>>> feature...), they can have different names even when used for the same 
>>>> purpose, and when discovering job services, the queue is always in the 
>>>> response rather than in the query.
>>>>>>>> If encoding the queue in the URL is not an acceptable
>>>>>>>> solution, then I think the queue should be moved from
>>>>>>>> attributes of job description to arguments of method
>>>>>>>> job_service.create_job.
>>>>>>> Thats also an option.  What would be the difference however
>>>>>>> to keeping it in the job description?  The info arrives at
>>>>>>> the same call, once in the description, once separate. 
>>>>>> The difference is that other attributes in job description do not 
>>>>>> depend on a particular execution site or a particular grid. Hence the 
>>>>>> same job description object could be used to run jobs on different 
>>>>>> hosts (and even on different grids) if it has no attribute "Queue".
>>>>> Ideally that may be true, but in practice, CPUArchitecture,
>>>>> OperatingSystem, and others pose similar limitations.
>>>> IMHO the limitations are not similar :
>>>> * If a job requires a specific OperatingSystem to run, then we can 
>>>> assume this requirement is the same for grid A and grid B.
>>>> * If the user wants to submit his job on a specific queue on grid A, he 
>>>> can not expect to have the same queue on grid B.
>>>>> Anyway, don't get me wrong: I think I mostly agree with you
>>>>> about the problem statement, and the cause.   I am not 100%
>>>>> about the proposed solution,
>>>> I have no preference on the proposed solution (URL, create_job argument, 
>>>> or other solution...), I just think queue must be removed from job 
>>>> description.
>>>>> but that may be just me, being
>>>>> hesitant to change (I'm known for that I'm afraid)...
>>>> I think you are right to be hesitant; specifications must not change too 
>>>> much!
>>>>>>> I understand that having only JSDL approved keys in the job
>>>>>>> description is a clean solution - but that is mostly for the
>>>>>>> benefit of the SAGA implementors.  For the SAGA users, that
>>>>>>> makes not much of the difference, IMHO.
>>>>>> Since they are not in the JSDL specification, these attributes are 
>>>>>> likely to be put at stake... Moreover, the SAGA specification says 
>>>>>> these attributes "might disappear in future versions of the SAGA API".
>>>>>> But I agree, if their usefulness is confirmed, they must be kept.
>>>>> I think, in the long run, further versions of JSDL, and JSDL
>>>>> extensions, will make our live much easier...
>>>>>>>>>> SAGA Name Spaces:
>>>>>>>>>> ================
>>>>>>>>>> * add a flag to disable checking existence of entry in constructor 
>>>>>>>>>> and open methods, because the cost for this check is not negligible 
>>>>>>>>>> with some protocols (then subsequent method calls on this object 
>>>>>>>>>> may throw an IncorrectState exception
>>>>>>>>>> if the entry does not exist).
>>>>>>>>> Makes sense.  We could also overload 'Exclusive', which, at
>>>>>>>>> the moment, is only evaluated if 'Create' is specified.  It
>>>>>>>>> has the same semantic meaning so (inversed): if 'Exclusive'
>>>>>>>>> is not specified on 'Create', an existing file is ignored.
>>>>>>>>> Would it make sense to allow Exclusive to be evaluated on
>>>>>>>>> all c'tors and open calls?
>>>>>>> Any feedback on this one? :-)
>>>>>> Good idea IMHO, but then I think the name of this flag should be 
>>>>>> changed to one suitable for both use-cases : exclusive creation and no 
>>>>>> file existence check.
>>>>> Ah, well, naming - you are opening a bottomless pit! ;-)  
>>>>> Any proposal?
>>>> No proposal yet... I am thinking about it!
>>>>> I throw in 'FailIfExists' ...
>>>> FailIfExists match the first use-case (exclusive creation), the second 
>>>> use-case needs DoNotFailIfDoesNotExist !  ;-)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Sylvain
>>>>>>> I am still not sure about introducing an additional
>>>>>>> exception here, but that is another issue...
>>>>>> Maybe the right exception to be thrown is AuthenticationFailed.
>>>>>> Then its description should be changed to something like this (page 40) 
>>>>>> :
>>>>>> << An operation failed because session could not successfully be used 
>>>>>> for authentication (none of the available contexts could be used, or 
>>>>>> can not determine which context to use). >>
>>>>> I think thats an excellent proposal.
>>>>> Best regards, 
>>>>> Andre.

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