[SAGA-RG] Announcement: first SAGA C++ Release

'Andre Merzky' andre at merzky.net
Fri Mar 30 09:27:55 CDT 2007

 Our excuses if you receive multiple copies of this mail

We are proud to announce the first beta releas of our SAGA 
C++ implementation!  (available at http://saga.cct.lsu.edu/)

The implementation tries to strictly implement the SAGA Core 
API specification, and is designed to allow bindings to 
multiple Grid middlewares, by using a plugin mechanism (adaptors).

At the moment, only bindings to local functionality is 
included by default, but we are working on providing
bindings to the following Grid systems:

  - Globus Pre-WS
  - Globus WS               (http://www.globus.org/)
  - OMII-OK (GridSam & Co.) (http://www.omii.ac.uk/)
  - XtreemOS                (http://www.xtreemos.eu/)

Nevertheless, this release is functional on its own and 
can be used for application development and testing in 
local environments.

The goal of this release is twofold:  

Firstly, we want to use this release for a number of 
tutorials over the next months, to allow grid application 
developers to familiarize themself with the SAGA C++ API bindings.

Secondly, we would like to involve grid middleware developers 
as early as possible, to plan for adaptor development for 
their middleware.

The release has a number of known shortcomings (approximate 
timelines for release fixes are given):

  - the documentation, for both end users and adaptor
    developers, is minimal
    - for questions/feedback, please use the
      mailinglist at saga-users at cct.lsu.edu

    - end user documentation is expected by October 2007

  - only few examples are included
    - we are working on tutorial material and
      examples, which should be available by June 2007

  - remote adaptors will be released separately, with
    most of the ones mentioned above by Fall 2007

Having said that: the release IS fully functional, and has 
been tested on Linux, Windows and MacOS-X (build environments 
for all three platforms are included).

We would appreciate feedback and bugreports, on the mailing 
list at saga-users at cct.lsu.edu and on the bug tracker at 

Best regards, 

  Harmut Kaiser (CCT/LSU)
  Andre Merzky  (VU)
  Ole Weidner   (CCT/LSU)

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