[SAGA-RG] SAGA Message API Extension

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Sat Jan 20 21:53:43 CST 2007

Quoting [Pascal Kleijer] (Jan 18 2007):
> From: Pascal Kleijer <k-pasukaru at ap.jp.nec.com>
> To: Andre Merzky <andre at merzky.net>, SAGA RG <saga-rg at ogf.org>
> CC: John Shalf <JShalf at lbl.gov>, Werner Benger <benger at zib.de>
> Subject: Re: [SAGA-RG] SAGA Message API Extension
> Hello all,
> I jump into the conversation a bit later then expected. It seems that 
> Andre always choose a time in space-time that is inconvenient for me :p
> Here is some food:
> A. Typos
> I cannot access the CVS so I post some of my stuff here.
> 1. Copyright at 2006? Should it not be 2007? See page 1 and 23
> 2. Most notes of the detailed spec should be "Notes: - see notes *on* 
> memory management."
> 3. Section 2.1, "[ibidem]" ???
> 4. Section 2.1.3, paragraph 2 "A message sent by *an* endpoint"
> 5. Page 17 "Format: serve" instead of " Format: connect"

Perfect, thanks, will fix.  
I'll check the CVS access - I seem to remember that you
should have a login...

ibidem: basically means: same as last reference.  I wanted
to avoid referenceing the core spec again and again.  Not
sure if this is commonly used though...

> There might be more, but this just catched my eyes.

> B. API
> 1. I would called the method "receive()" and not "recv()", in section 
> 2.1.3 you have it right ;)

Yes, I had 'receive' first, but then the examples don't line
up so well:

  ep.send (msg);
  ep.recv (msg);

Isn't that nice? :-P  Also, send/recv is the same as the
POSIX send/recv.

But you may probably right: verbosity may be better here.
Lets flip a coin at the OGF session (i.e. lets have a 30 min
deiscussion and a random vote about it)? :-)  I'm fine
either way, really...

> 2. The "test()" method should be called "available()" because it sounds 
> more like test code then API code. The method should be non-blocking and 
> return -1 if no message is available. The timeout should be ignored IMO.

Agree, test is misleading.  But possibly 'check'?  (shorter
but also explicit)?

Reason for timeout: see later.  That allows to have test

> 3. Abusive usage of the NotImplemented exception. Most method are 
> mandatory anyway, clean out the spec would be nice.

NotImplemented is on all calls, because the whole package
might be NotImplemented.  We changes that in the Core spec
too, lately, and list exceptions like NotImplemented and
NoSuccess basically everywhere...

The statement from the Core spec intro still holds though:

  "The NotImplemented exception MUST, however, be used only
  in necessary cases, for example if an underlying Grid
  middleware does not provide some capability, and if this
  capability can also not be emulated.  The implementa- tion
  MUST carefully document and motivate the use of the
  NotImplemented exception."

> 4. Metric RemoteDisConnect should be RemoteDisconnect.


> 5. The "msg" class should be called "message"

kind of agree - I like the shorter, but again you are
probably right, and verbosity is better.

> Andre, you are to C (hacker) centric :p Make it simple for use folx with 
> full names.

I actually wonder that nobody complaend about 'endpoint' -
that is what I have some issues with, because its so generic
- who knows what other communication schemes we are going to
add, which also have endpoints.  'message_endpoint' would be
much better, but is too long really.  Any suggestion?
msg_ep? har har har :-P  

> C. Others
> Here several more complex things.
> 1. State machine
> Why do you not include the failed states? Depending on how the message 
> API is handled the failure might be permanent and the object remains in 
> the given state. We can imaging that the dropped can be recovered for 
> some time: You have two attributes attempts and delay, the object is in 
> dropped state until it can reconnect, if the number of attempts are 
> consumed the state is permanent, otherwise it will sleep (delay) for 
> some time and try a new connection.

Very good point!  We had Failed (and Dropped) earlier.  The
problem is, when do you enter Failed?  Assume you have an
endpoint with three open connections, and a send() succeeds
to send on two connections, but fails on the third.  If the
EP is 'Unrealiable', thats not an error anyway.  if
communication is 'Reliable', its certainly an error, and
should get flagged - but should the two good sessions be
dropped as well (which would happen when we go to Failed I
assume, otherwise the state is meaningless)?

States could be assigned to the connections as well, but we
don't have any handle on them as of now, and introducing
those would REALLY complicate the API (I tried).

Any idea?

> I have this problem with the NAREGI project, for the moment I only allow 
> one more attempt when the connection is dropped or fails (time out, 
> others). After that a fatal exception is thrown.

Ugh, that SHOULD be hidden in the implementation I think, no
need to expose that on API level IMHO.  Or?  

> This might be an optional implementation but will ensure resilient 
> implementation. If the failure is permanent it must be handled at 
> application level. Of course the two attribute can be modified anytime 
> during the life time of the object.

Yes, I agree, it might help to stabilize the implementation
on protocol/stream level, but what can the application do
with that information, really?  drop the connection and
reconnect?  That would mean to close the endpoint and set up
the whole thing again.  Much better to handle reconnect on
implementation level, and tell the application when that
fails -- the app then can still do the same (close/restart).

> 2. Silently Discarded & Reliability
> In section 2.1.2 second paragraph! Gasp no, in a (un)reliable system 
> this cannot be! You should at least return a flag with the "send()" in 
> synchronous connection telling the message was send, ev. acked. In 
> asynchronous it will be a monitorable field, like a ticked for the 
> "send()" call or the task that does the job.


> Whatever Reliability, Correctness and Order is applied there should be a 
> way to tell the application, ev. Optional implementation, that the 
> message was send. If the underlying API does not support reliability the 
> application can implement one. In a reliable system anyway this should 
> not happen.

IMHO, if the application needs reliability, it sjould use a
realible implementation of the message API - the idea is to
avoid application level management of the message

Anyway, I think you make a good point, an ACK  might be
useful for more than app level reliability.  But what do you
return?  Again, assume an EP is connected to three clients,
mode is unreliable, and two messages get through - what do
you report?  0.6666? ;-)  2?  Is of no use if the app has to
check how many clients are connected - that can not be done
atomically, as its a separate operation to the send
(get_receivers()).  So, return true if at least one message
got through?  What is the use of that?  If its not reliable,
id does not matter anyway.  If its reliable, an error will
be flagged anyway if only one client fails...

So: you may be right, but I think the semantics is

> 3. Correctness
> I would rather see this as an attribute you can set. If the message is 
> received I am not always interested in knowing if the content is 
> correct. Just getting it is enough. The overhead for correctness depends 
> on the implementation but in most cases this means extra CPU usages that 
> I don?t want. I can think about MPEG streams, if we loose some part or 
> some is corrupted, I don?t care; we go to the next frame. It would be 
> even more powerful if you can set correctness for a given direction 
> specifically.

Good point.  We are getting more and more flags though...
Anyway, I'll add it, but we should discuss if we can
collapse the (now four) options to the EP constructor.

> 4. Order
> Same as correctness. In most cases I don?t care order. I sometimes 
> prefer have control over it on at the application level. This 
> dramatically simplifies the underlying implementation and to have it at 
> application level can be rather easy. In the NAREGI project I have such 
> mechanism. I don?t care about the order for 95% of the messages, just 
> some must be ordered. It would be even more powerful if you can set 
> correctness for a given direction specifically.

That is in the spec by now.

> 5. Opaque messages
> In the NAREGI project we have already implement a messaging API. 
> Actually we have several, (Socket, File, SOAP, and HTTP), and all use 
> the same message container. Now the API for each implementation isn?t 
> unified yet. We do use opaque messages content because when an 
> application component wants to send a piece of something it just drops 
> its content. That can be any object. When the message moves down to the 
> messaging API it passes through filters that will transform it into byte 
> arrays. The same is true for incoming messages. Filters will transform 
> the content when it moves up in the application.
> The message class has an extra method called "getBytes()" which ensures 
> to return a byte array. If the content cannot be serialized to a byte 
> array, then nothing happen and null is returned. The "getSize()" will 
> return the size of usable block of the array. The "getData()" might 
> return an array but is not guarantied. In addition the message container 
> has an ID flag to hint the receiving application in how the filters must 
> be applied. It has also other attributes but of no interest so far for SAGA.

See answer to Werners comments:  I certainly agree that
support for data typing and conversion is handy - I only
doubt that its easy to agree on a model here.  I am not sure
if you share Werners opinion that data type support should
be independent from a data model - do you?

My (personal) opinion still is that msg (or message ;-)
should be a byte buffer only, moving all type conversion,
packaging etc. on application level, and to later work on
other messages with better data support which can then
easily be mapped onto the original (unstructured) message.
That way we can go in more than one direction in the
future, and have something to start with very fast.

Lets discuss this at OGF again - I am very open to other
options.  But I really would like to keep the message API
simple, for now at least.

> 6. Memory Management
> In general for the sending part I totally agree. The management is up to 
> the application. Now for the receiving part I am not entirely satisfied. 
> When the management is done by the implementation I am fine, there is 
> not much to say. But in the case if the application management I have 
> issues: manly concerning efficient memory usage of the message buckets. 
> With message intensive applications the message container should be 
> handled by the application to avoid memory burns/leaks. This is the case 
> for the NAREI project.
> For example, the application creates a pool of buckets (messages) of 
> lets say 512 bytes each. +90% of the incoming messages are always 
> smaller then 512, so we have no trouble with the buckets since the array 
> capacity is always larger then the size of the message. Now what happen 
> when we have a message larger and we didn?t do the available test 
> because we want to block the current thread with the received? In the 
> current proposal my message gets truncated. That is not good. In the 
> current implementation the implementation will change the array by 
> reallocating the array.
> The message container has two fields: size of the actual message, and 
> capacity of the current array buffer. In the next version of the API for 
> NAREGI I will add offset in case we want to use larger array blocks, 
> typically from network buffers and allow sub blocks to be used. In C 
> implementation this is not necessary because you can just shift the 
> pointer, Java cannot.

Do I understand that correctly?

  - application allocates 512 bytes
  - message arrives, and is larger than 512 bytes
  - the implementation re-allocates the memory
  - the application later frees the memory

I am sure that works, but I would be hesitant to introduce
semantics which distributes memory management in different
layers - I would think that this can give serious trouble
for several languages.

Also, I would expect you to do a blocking test() (check())
to wait for the message?  (see earlier)

> 7. Serve time out and shutdown
> I think that we should allow as optional implementation or usage to have 
> the server method time out. This will either stop the internal thread or 
> for example with a TCP/IP messaging solution to set the SO_TIMEOUT flag. 
> We need this in order to check what is happening with processes. In some 
> cases the job submission tool reports the process running but no IO 
> connection is active, a time out might help us release the hook and do 
> something different before making another attempt.

Serve by now allows an int parameter to specify for how many
clients it should serve (i.e. wait for).  That is close to
what you say I think, but not specifying a timeout in
seconds, but an availability for <n> clients.

Also, I certainly agree that more sophisticated management
of both the serve() and the individual connections is
possible - it would, however, imply a more complicated API.

Having said that: yes, a timeout would be possible on send.

I could not find SO_TIMEOUT? (I am offline though, will

> We should also be able to properly stop the service with a "disconnect" 
> or "shutdown", in the case the close doesn?t do it. That means that the 
> server must stop and all the connection handled by the class must be 
> terminated. That is important for us to free the underlying memory and 
> objects allocated. Typically we should be able to close the server 
> sockets in a proper way.

close is supposed to do exactly that:
  - close
    Purpose: close the endpoint, and release all

> 8. Endpoint reuse
> The current semantic does not allow reusing the same object after a 
> close. It might be handy to support a reconnect with an open if the 
> implementation does not support reconnection. In case the application 
> must handle stable connection it must create a new object at each time, 
> which might be a memory burden. If the URL is not modified and the 
> states are correct I don?t see why we cannot open a connection again 
> after a close.

I am not sure about that.  You would not have a final state
anymore.  Not sure if that is a problem.  Also, as close
released all resources anyway, an open() would imply a
similar overhead to a new object creation, wouldn't it?
(minus allocating the object itself though).

> OK That is all for now. I might have other things popping
> up.

Thanks a lot!  I'm sure we can converge on all these points.
It seems we have to take care of what use cases we want to
cover really, that seems the main point in your mail, and in
the other comments.

Cheers, Andre.

-- "So much time, so little to do..."  -- Garfield

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