[saga-rg] Queries and minor points

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Fri Jan 20 11:40:57 CST 2006

Hi Graeme, 

I am not sure if answers to that mail are still relevant -
let me attempt to answer your points anyway, as far as I

A longer mail in respect to your details list of comments
is in the pipeline as well - sorry for the delay... *sigh*

Quoting [Graeme Pound] (Nov 24 2005):
> Please find below a couple of queries, and diverse minor points, which 
> arose during my preparation of a Java implementation of the API. I 
> anticipate that my comments on the semantics of the API will become a 
> little more substantive in due course.
> Thanks,
> 	Graeme
> ######### Queries
> - I am little unclear of the purpose and operation of 
> Attribute.getVectorAttribute() and Attribute.setVectorAttribute(). What 
> is returned if a vector attribute is queried with getAttribute()? Why 
> are a vector of values associated with a key required?

A use case is, as pointed out by Hrabri for instance, the
specification of a list of email addresse to be notified on
job completion:


  job.set_vector_attributes ('SAGA_JobContact', ('a at mai.com', 'b at mailcom'));

If a vector attribute key is set/queried with the scalar
attribute call, and exception should be raised (NoSuchKey).
Same for the other case.

Actually, I think that this model is not very nice.  For one
thing, we need an inspection interface (does that attribute
exist?  Is it a scalar or vector?).  Also, we need to be
clear if attribute can be scalars or vectors (if you set
only one email?).  

Sorry for not having a better answer...

> - contextType does not appear to be very extensible, how would different 
> security models be specified?

The spec states that

  A implementation CAN implement various types of Security
  contexts.  or just one type.


  Other types MAY be specified by a SAGA implementation.

which basically means that out of the types specified in the
spec, and any other types you can think of, a non empty
subset has to be implemented by the SAGA implementation.

> ######### Minor points
> - Exceptions are not described in the SIDL interface, however Exception 
> types are listed in long description of the methods (for example 
> ReadOnlyAttribute and NoSuchKey). This information should be in the SIDL 
> description as it is fundamental to the interface.

Yes, we probably should do that.  Two reasons why we did not

  - it clutters the API definition visually
  - it would mean to maintain the exceptions in the SIDL and
    in the description part.

I think it is best to keep them detailed in the desciption
part, and to copy them to the SIDL part during final edit.
Does that make sense?

> - capitalise ivec, openDirFlags, openFlags?

Well, ask 2 people about that and you get 5 answers ;-)
Fact is, capitalization should be consistent through the
API, and it is not currently.  I think it is best if you
choose a native java scheme for naming, I guess there is

> - JobService.runJob() returns Job and stdin, stdout, stderr. However 
> stdin, stdout, stderr are available from Job.getJobInfo()? Can runJob() 
> simply return an object Job?

Yes, it could.  SubmitJob does exactly that.  However,
runJob is supposed to be a convenience routine, for the most
simple case.  Therefor it is redundant anyway (with

I am not sure if that answers the question though :-)

> - enum values are not specified by JobState

They should, thanks.  This is fixed by now.

> - LogicalFile argument types not specified for addLocation, 
> removeLocation, replicate. These should be 'string'

Fixed, thanks.

> - The enumerations openDirFlags and openFlags exist in the following 
> packages SAGA.Namespace, SAGA.File and SAGA.LogicalFile (although 
> SAGA.Namespace is imported by SAGA.File and SAGA.LogicalFile). Is this 
> duplication required?

They are gone in the namespace by now, as the namespace has
no open calls anyway...

The flags for Files and LogicalFiles might well be
different, so the duplication is needed there I think.

> - the interfaces Stream and StreamServer implements Attributes, however 
> Attributes does not exist. Is this Attribute (perhaps Attributes is a 
> better name for this class)?

Good catch: we need to define these attributes.  
They are (for example) 'buffer size', 'reliable', etc.
I have the list somewhere buried in my mail, and need to
update the spec.  Sorry...

> - File.readP() and File.writeP() define input argument of type 
> 'pattern'. This type is not defined by the SIDL API, is 'pattern' an 
> undefined class or primitive type?

The pattern is a string - the API should be changed.

> - in Stream
>     void getContext (out context info);
>   should read
>     void getContext (out Context info);

Right, thanks.

> - strawman_error.txt: "All objects in SAGA implement ErrorHandler...", 
> the SIDL for these objects should indicate that they implement the 
> ErrorHandler interface. The following objects:
>     Directory
>     File
>     Job
>     JobService
>     LogicalDirectory
>     LogicalFile
>     Multiplexer
>     Stream
>     StreamServer
>     Task
>     TaskContainer
>     ... any others ?

A more detailed answer to that is in the next mail.

Many thanks, 


| Andre Merzky                      | phon: +31 - 20 - 598 - 7759 |
| Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) | fax : +31 - 20 - 598 - 7653 |
| Dept. of Computer Science         | mail: merzky at cs.vu.nl       |
| De Boelelaan 1083a                | www:  http://www.merzky.net |
| 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands    |                             |

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