[saga-rg] LSU CVS maintenance has deleted part of the repository updates :-(

Thilo Kielmann kielmann at cs.vu.nl
Fri Aug 11 21:53:46 CDT 2006

Seems like the CVS server @CCT.LSU.EDU now has a rather old content, at least
w.r.t. the strawman spec. For what I can see, at least my work from thursday
is completely lost :-(

I have just put aside the state I had from my backup, so I might be able to
merge things back manually, but is there a better solution???
(Andre: my snapshot is in hydra:/net/kielmann/CVS.CCT.LSU.EDU.tar.gz,
if you want to use it, too.)

Thilo Kielmann                                 http://www.cs.vu.nl/~kielmann/

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