[saga-rg] GridForge...

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Fri Apr 7 17:24:32 CDT 2006

Dear group, 

I am happy to announce that both the saga-rg and the
saga-core-wg have been (semi-randomly) picked as
guinea-pigs for the new GridForge version.

What does that mean?

GGF is trying the current infamous and
often-complained-about version of GridForge with a 
new, much improved and soewhat customized version.  
The transition is to be performed in two stages: 

 - stage one (now): a number of group projects get
   migrated to the new installation, and stress-test it
   for two weeks

 - stage two (in two weeks): based on the feedback of
   the test groups, patches are applied, and all group
   projects are migrated to the new version

According to step one, projects for saga-rg and
saga-core-wg have been created on testforge.ggf.org
(which hosts the new installation).  The GridForge user
ID's are _all_ migrated already, so you should be able
to use your old login.  Also, you should have the
correct membership etc.  Please let me know if there is
something wrong with your account.  Of course its also
possible to create new accounts.

A striking difference between the old and new GF is
that the 'help' function is actually useful: please try
to consult it whenever you think you are lost etc, and
tell us if the help did not tell you what you wanted to

I made the group chairs and secretaries admins of the
respective projects.  If someone else wants to play
around with project configuration etc, please let me
know, and I'll add the respective accounts.

Well, the bottom line is: please try to use the new
GridForge, and give us feedback!  We think its MUCH
better than the old one, but we need YOUR confirmation
before we go ahead and start adopting it for all GGF


Thanks, Andre.

PS.: we found the first major glitch: email addresses did
not get migrated correctly.  I'll try to fix that manually
for the saga folx - please let me know if you have trouble
with mail.

PPS.: the saga-core-group is new - you probably need to join
the project, as only a few people are members there as of

"So much time, so little to do..."  -- Garfield

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