[RUS-WG] resigning ...

piro at to.infn.it piro at to.infn.it
Thu Dec 9 05:39:31 CST 2010

Hi everybody ...

It has become very quiet here lately, and as you probably have noticed, I
had not much time to dedicate. Since I will soon be off to new shores
(postdoc), I will not be able to work on updating the RUS spec. anymore
and will therefore resign as a co-chair. I think it would be best for the
group to have someone who really can put the necessary effort into it.

We have a lot of interesting material and drafts, and it would be a pity
if the work isn't carried on. Is there someone of you who would take over?
The RUS needs to continue to evolve; it can't with me, but I hope it can
with you.

Best regards,

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