[RUS-WG] OGF Catania

piro at to.infn.it piro at to.infn.it
Fri Feb 27 09:09:16 CST 2009

Hi all!

It's clear now that I won't be able to come to Catania next week. However,
I want to contribute nonetheless to the RUS-WG session and prepare some
slides this weekend that describe the current developments (including the
idea of having a simple, RUS-specific query language).

I hope that someone can present the slides instead of me (Gilbert?),
hopefully you can have a fruitful discussion especially about the idea of
the query language.

Please keep in mind that (in my opinion) the query language should cover
only the most essential use cases, such that interoperability between
different accounting systems or Grid projects is guaranteed, while more
complex queries can be handled by implementation-specific approaches.
(would we really need to handle queries like "give me the job IDs of all
users that have submitted between 20 and 30 jobs of at least 2 CPU hours
each within the last month"? I doubt that such things must be handled by a
standard RUS interface ... that would be more something

I will send the slides this weekend (at the latest monday) via the mailing

I'm sorry I can't come, but I have to many urgent things to do at work to
take a week off.

Have a nice stay at Catania!


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