[RUS-WG] Working Group Chairs

Steven Newhouse s.newhouse at omii.ac.uk
Sun Nov 19 12:35:27 CST 2006


As you may have noticed activity on the mailing list has been quiet for 
the last 18 months or so. During this period the Resource Usage Service 
(RUS) specification has been through public comment and revised as a 
result. There has also been considerable implementation activity with 
several different groups providing accounting solutions based around the 
RUS and the Usage Records specification.

Within the OMII-Europe project there are now several groups involved in 
an accounting activity that are becoming engaged in OGF's RUS and UR 
working groups. They have changes they wish to bring forward from their 
independent experiences in building their own accounting solutions 
around RUS and UR.

As the last remaining chair of the RUS-WG this is not something I have 
the time to take forward. I'd therefore like to announce my own 
resignation and propose the following three individuals take over the 
leadership of RUS (subject to working group and AD approval):

Morris Riedel (FZJ)
Rosario Michael Piro (INFN)
Gilbert Netzer (KTH)

These three individuals are all eager and able to be actively involved 
in this work, and have the support of their local management and the 
OMII-Europe project.

I wish them and the working group every success in the future - and 
remain happy to help if I can.


Dr Steven Newhouse   Mob:+44(0)7920489420  Tel:+44(0)23 80598789
Director, Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute-UK (OMII-UK)
c/o Suite 6005, Faraday Building (B21), Highfield Campus,
University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

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