[rus-wg] RUS Specification - non-repudiation

Steven Newhouse sjn5 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Apr 6 17:46:55 CDT 2005

>>> Would it be better to store a digitally signed request?

> I don't think that's what Sven meant.

Each usage record from a resource when stored in the RUS is wrapped in a 
RUSUsageRecord element. Within that element is a RecordHistory element 
which has a StoredBy element which records the DN of the entity 
providing the record - either through https, WS-Security or some other 
unspecified process.

 > but this signature is not stored with the message, which I
> believe is the thing Sven was driving at.

It is stored with the contributed record.

> No, I don't think the spec should say things like "you must use 
> WS-Security".

OK. I think we agree on this...


Dr Steven Newhouse                        Tel:+44 (0)2380 598789
Deputy Director, Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute (OMII)
Suite 6005, Faraday Building (B21), Highfield Campus,
Southampton University, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ,  UK

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