[rm-wg] towards the GLUE and RM integration

Strong, Paul pstrong at ebay.com
Thu Aug 2 01:44:00 CDT 2007


Q1 -  Different locations only matter if their resources and services
are managed separately at each location for some reason, for example if
two locations are a long distance apart and data is only at one location
and latency is too high or bandwidth constrained, then you may care a
lot abour co-locating at a single physical location and having a single
meta-scheduler instance at each location or ensuring that your
meta-schedular understands location.  This matters a lot at eBay, but
you may not care for your workload.  If you think you may care in the
future, then it may be worth capturing this.

Q2 - I think that Share is two parts, policy and status, associated with
a new abstraction, that is the set of services exposed to a given
consuming organization, i.e. the organization that has negotiated the
share with the admin domain that manages the resources and services.  I
called this another container, but I am not wed to any name.  I do
however think it important to identify this new managed grid component,
which only exists in the abstract, and with which all jobs done by users
within the consuming organization are associated.  The SLO policy is
applied to this managed component.  In reality there is only really a
managing component that ensures that all of the Elements (as described
by the GLUE group) get an appropriate service level and which aggregates
accounting information and usage so that it applies to the set of
users/jobs, not just to an individual user/job.

Q3 - The notion of element or container, as I put it, is important if
you want to manage multiple components (services, resources, execution
environment etc.) related to one thing, i.e. a job.  I think it makes
sense to have the notion of a container of some sort (whatever your
choose to call it) that is created by the management software, for the
job to run "in".

Q4 - One could consider an Admin Domain to be a managing grid component,
specifically the common ancestor of all managing grid components that
manage the life cycle of resources and services within that admin
domain.  SLA is a sub-class of policy.

I hope these are helpful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sergio Andreozzi [mailto:sergio.andreozzi at cnaf.infn.it] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 7:07 AM
To: rm-wg at ogf.org; Strong, Paul; Laurence; Ellen Stokes
Cc: Balazs Konya
Subject: towards the GLUE and RM integration

Hi Paul et Al,

I made an "unofficial" new draft of GLUE + RM integration waiting for
your comments on the open issues.

Before to update the GLUE spec draft, I'd like to sort out a few things
that I collect in the following wiki page:


a few notes:

- attached to the wiki page, you can find new class diagrams

- please, concentrate on the few questions in the wiki page, we'll move
to other issues afterwards

- in the wiki page, you can find another proposal for sequence diagram
drafted by me, this tries to map OGSA+GLUE concepts into gLite

I would be happy to hear from you on the open issues.

Cheers, Sergio

Sergio Andreozzi
INFN-CNAF,                    Tel: +39 051 609 2860
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2       Fax: +39 051 609 2746
40126 Bologna (Italy)         Web: http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~andreozzi

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