[Risge-rg] current status and next steps

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Wed Jan 6 07:19:01 CST 2010

Dear All,

I would like to wish you all the best in 2010.
I hope you have enjoyed holidays time;)

Sorry for long mail, but I wanted to cover all the subjects in one mail.

I would like to give short overview on current status and next actions:

1. Current actions:
- evaluations:

- The evaluation for scheduling of instruments needs further work to be 
done. There are some
first recommendations that the Grid Scheduling standards could be 
useful, however, any
decision will be done after full evaluation. (Michael and Johannes)

- The evaluation for service discovery information is also in progress. 

- we are missing following evaluations:
      - Accounting for instruments instrument health
     - Way of monitoring Instruments

Any volunteers to perform this 2 evaluations?

2. According to what was decided during the last meeting we will apply 
for the RISGE-RG session during OGF in Munich
Proposed agenda:
- Current status of work
- Evaluations presentations
- Continue discussions on the evaluations outcome
(- Any other presentation/best practices)

3. BoF of new working group

According to what was decided during the last meeting we are applying 
for the BoF, to check interest
in new working group related to definition of interfaces that would 
allow accessing remote instruments.

Please find the proposition of the agenda for the BoF:

1. Introduction
- short overview on existing solutions and standards
- role of OGF working group
2. Outline of roadmap
3. Draft new charter

And also please find the proposition of the description of the BoF:

"The proposition of this working group creation came out of the RISGE-RG 
evaluation on the standards in the field of remote instrumentation. The 
RISGE-RG suggests/recommends that there is a need for common new 
standard on accessing remote instrumentation in Grid environment, 
starting from existing solutions and expanding them. The definition of 
the standard defining remote access interfaces will be an important step 
forward in the process of integrating scientific instruments with the grid."

Please let me know in case of any changes or other ideas suggestions. 
Please let me know also who will be interested in the session co-chairing.

4. Teleconference

I would like to propose the teleconference next week (for example using 
evo or skype) in order to discuss the BoF of new working group as well 
as remaining evaluations. I will setup and send doodle to check best 
timeslot in a separate mail.

I would create the first draft of the charter that we could start 
improving it, and we will also discuss in more details the evaluations.

best regards

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