[Risge-rg] Summary of the voting for evaluation of standards / next steps

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Fri May 8 08:23:34 CDT 2009

Dear All,
Summary of the voting results:

- "Accessing instruments in a standard way/unique interface" - 
coordinated by Roberto Pugliese, Duane Edgington, David Wallom
- "Data handling – getting data out of the instruments" - coordinated by 
Franco Davoli, FZK group: Michael Sutter, Rainer Stotzka, David Wallom
- "Near real time/fast data retrieval and transfer of data / streams" - 
coordinated by Franco Davoli, FZK group: Michael Sutter, Rainer Stotzka, 
David Wallom
- "Service Discovery Information" - coordinated by Marcin Plociennik
- "Way of monitoring Instruments" - coordinated by Michael Schiffers, 
Mary Grammatikou, David Wallom
- "Accounting for instruments instrument health" - coordinated by David 
- "Scheduling of the instruments" - coordinated by Michael Schiffers

we had no volunteer for "Calibration (travelling standards)", so we 
would for the moment skip the subject,
and maybe come back depending on the evaluation on the rest of subjects.

I think we should consider first the solution that are/were proposed by 
the project involved in
the group. So during the evaluation please consider asking the questions 
to the whole list .

Just to remind some of the project contacts:

I hope we will be able to fininsh the evaluations before holiday time, 
so before 20th of June.

There was no remarks to proposed template of the evaluation report, so I 
think we can start to
work on it.

Please consider the RISGE-RG Forge webspace to put draft versions of the 
documents (one document per subject),
since the work will be done usually by 3-4 people, so from one hand it 
will be easier to collaborate, from another hand,
we could see the progress in each subject.
For this purpose I have created the directory in our webspace:

best regards

              Marcin Plociennik
 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

 61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND
 phone (+48 61) 8582181
 e-mail: marcinp at man.poznan.pl

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