[Risge-rg] RISGE-RG, change of date, updated agenda for OGF23

Marcin Plociennik marcinp at man.poznan.pl
Wed May 14 09:14:44 CDT 2008

Dear All,
please find attached updated agenda.
Please note that the date of the first session has changed,
instead of 4th Wed, its 3rd Tue.

It seams like whole schedule of different session has been changed.
Please let me know if you have any objection, suggestion in this respect,
if needed maybe we could still try to move the session to another day/time.

PLease let me know if there is any other presentation or use cases you 
would like to give that are not mentioned in the agenda. Please note 
that the print deadline for changes in agenda is this Friday, May 16th.

best regards

Tuesday, June 3

	3:45 pm - 5:15 pm 	

	Remote Instrumentation Services in Grid Environment - demo and 
presentations </gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=1282> (90 mins)
Marcin P?óciennik, Duane Edgington
(RISGE-RG </gf/group_info/view.php?group=risge-rg>)  Presentation

The RISGE-RG explores issues related to the exploitation of Grid 
technologies for conducting and monitoring measurement tasks and 
experiments on complex remote scientific equipment. The main purpose of 
this research group will be to bring together various existing 
approaches in defining remote access interfaces to sophisticated 
laboratory equipment, as well as to come up with use cases that can 
dictate the requirements for integrating scientific instruments with the 
During this session the main goals of RISGE-RG will be presented, as 
well as best practices and demo on usage of remote instrumentation (LEGO 
Robots DEMO).

general presentation:

RISGE-RG - short introduction, Marcin Plociennik, PSNC, Poland

best practices and demo:

DORII - Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure - Norbert 
Meyer, PSNC, Poland

Grid Support for Real-Time Online Interactive Applications - Thomas 
Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Usage of Instrument Element/VCR - LEGO DEMO - Roberto Pougliese, ELETRA, 


Location: Sant Gervasi

Thursday, June 5

	3:45 pm - 5:15 pm 	

	RISGE-RG - use cases </gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=1283> (90 mins)
Marcin P?óciennik, Duane Edgington
(RISGE-RG </gf/group_info/view.php?group=risge-rg>)  Group Discussion

The RISGE-RG explores issues related to the exploitation of Grid 
technologies for conducting and monitoring measurement tasks and 
experiments on complex remote scientific equipment. The main purpose of 
this research group will be to bring together various existing 
approaches in defining remote access interfaces to sophisticated 
laboratory equipment, as well as to come up with use cases that can 
dictate the requirements for integrating scientific instruments with the 
This session is the continuation of the discussions and work started 
during RISGE-RG group session at OGF21 in Seattle and OGF22 in Cambridge 
as well as during INGRID08 conference where we had 2 sessions.
During this session the group will discuss next collected use cases, as 
well as the "model use case"
- AugerAccess - Use Case for controlling the Pierre Auger Observatory 
remotely , Michael Sutter, FZK, Germany

- NMR Virtual Laboratory use case, Norbert Meyer, PSNC, Poland

-? GridCC use case
- Model use case discussion

Location: Sant Gervasi

              Marcin Plociennik
 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

 61-704 Poznan, ul. Noskowskiego 10 POLAND
 phone (+48 61) 8582181
 e-mail: marcinp at man.poznan.pl

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